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  • The types of marriage in Islam

    Marriage in Islam is valid and considered according to Sharia law if its pillars are fulfilled and its conditions are fulfilled. A valid legitimate marriage in Islam results in the permissibility of the wife, proof of lineage and inheritance between spouses, while marriage in Islam is invalid and invalid if its conditions are not met and its pillars are not fulfilled. Where it does not entail it, In this case, the legal effects that result from a valid legal marriage, with the exception of some provisions that differ according to the facts. The Legal marriage The legal contract is the one that takes place in an agreement between two parties, and is linked to the offer and acceptance, and the presence of the guardian or his representative: So he says to the husband: I marry you my daughter, according to the Sunnah of God and His Messenger, The husband says, “I accept,” so it speaks of offer and acceptance, and two witnesses from their family bear witness to it, this contract will not be valid unless the contract is valid and fulfills all the conditions in the contract like the value of the dowry must be valid and the other conditions in the contract, each party is obligated to agree on the existing terms of the contract, without prejudice to any of its conditions. The jurists differed on this matter into two groups The first The majority of scholars are of the view that secret marriage is permissible, and this opinion is attributed to the Hanafi school of thought Shafi'i, Hanbali, Zahidi, and Zaidi. They demonstrated the following as evidence for this with the marriage contract is valid when it fulfills its pillars and conditions stipulated by Sharia law, there has never been a valid prohibition against secret marriage if it is witnessed by two just people. Ibn al-Arab said “Marriage is a contract that lacks an announcement and there is no dispute over it, and secret marriage is forbidden and there is no dispute over it. There was disagreement about its method, and Al-Shafi’i said: Every marriage is attended by two just men, It is beyond the bounds of a secret, even if they agreed to keep it secret. Abu Hanifa said: If two men are present, whether they are just or limited, or one man and two women, It has gone beyond the secret, even if they agreed to keep it secret and believed that the commanded announcement is testimony. Our companions said: without disagreement, the secret marriage is for them to communicate with the witnesses to avoid concealment, and that is not permissible.... Testimony is not one of the obligations or conditions of marriage, but rather the obligation is to announce, but testimony was prescribed to remove the expected dispute between the contracting parties, and on this basis the marriage of the Companions took place.” 2- The marriage shall not be secret; Because he knew of at least five; The husband and wife, the guardian, and the two witnesses, what goes beyond the two is not a secret; For this reason, it is inconceivable that the marriage could be both valid and secret. The second: The Malikis hold that a secret marriage is not permissible, and it is annulled by a divorce after that, unless it extends after entering, and it extends over a period of time that is left to custom, the spouses, the clerk, and the witnesses will be punished, even if they do so after the contract, there was no intention at the time of the contract, it is permissible, It was said: He is not spoiled if he intends to do so himself, such as if he got married and intended to separate. They demonstrated this as follows: 1- On the authority of Aisha, on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, he said: ((Announce the marriage and beat him with a sieve)) The reasoning point is the hadith The hadith explicitly indicates that the marriage must be announced; Because the matter requires it to be obligatory, and this obviously entails the prohibition of secret marriage by default. 2- The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Separating what is permissible from what is forbidden: the tambourine and the voice)); Abu Issa said: A good hadith. The reasoning point is the hadith The hadith indicates that what distinguishes permissible marriage from forbidden adultery, It is the announcement, and this is evidence of the necessity of announcing the marriage, and the prohibition and immorality of secret marriage. The discussion and weighting After consideration and scrutiny, we find that the public’s opinion is more deserving of being accepted and followed. Due to the weakness of the Maliki evidence in terms of chain of transmission or inference, moreover, certification and registration in the Sharia courts now achieves the goal of announcing the marriage, because the marriage certificate is an official written document, which does not accept appeal except by forgery, this leads to the marriage being documented and not denied. The second picture: Marriage without dowry The second picture: Marriage without dowry God Almighty says: ﴿ وَآتُوا النِّسَاءَ صَدُقَاتِهِنَّ نِحْلَةً ﴾ [النساء: 4]. “And give the women their alms as a free gift” [An-Nisa: 4]. It is Sunnah to name it in the contract, and it is part of honesty. Because it indicates the sincerity of his humiliating desire. It was said: To honor the husband, and those addressed in the verse are husbands, It was said: the guardians; because they used to take it in pre-Islamic times. He was called a bee; That is: a gift from God as an initiator. because the enjoyment of one of the spouses is in contrast to the enjoyment of the other, the dowry has no compensation according to the Shafi’is, and it is in exchange for the permissibility of enjoyment, according to the majority of jurists; This is why the Malikis believe that the dowry, one of the pillars of marriage, or one of its conditions. The most likely opinion is that the dowry is one of the requirements and effects of marriage. That is: an effect resulting from the marriage contract, for this reason, the contract is valid without naming the dowry, according to scholarly agreement, It is one of the wife’s rights established by the marriage contract, the contract is required by a fixed law that is not permissible to change or deviate from or get out of him, If the marriage contract was concluded without a dowry, the marriage contract is concluded; Because God Almighty says: ﴿ لَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْكُمْ إِنْ طَلَّقْتُمُ النِّسَاءَ مَا لَمْ تَمَسُّوهُنَّ أَوْ تَفْرِضُوا لَهُنَّ فَرِيضَةً ﴾ [البقرة: 236]. There is no sin on you if you divorce women, unless you touch them or loan them a duty” [Al-Baqarah: 236]. So God Almighty confirmed divorce without naming the dowry, divorce only takes place during a valid marriage, If this is proven; a woman who is married without a dowry is called a delegate, with a kasra and a fatha waw, Whoever has a kasra adds the verb to it, it is a subject, and whoever conquered, added to her guardian, the meaning of delegation is neglect. It was as if she had neglected the matter of the dowry. The delegation in terminology That the spouses remain silent about the appointment of contract annuitants, This is delegated to one of them, or to someone else, and then he does not enter into it until it is specified, The delegation in terminology That the spouses remain silent about specifying the domicile at the time of the contract, this is delegated to one of them, or to someone else, and then he does not enter into it until it is specified, that is: to base friendship on the opinion of one of them, or the opinion of a stranger, He says: I married you to whatever you want, or according to your ruling, or according to my ruling, Or according to her ruling, or a foreign ruling or the like. The delegated marriage is permissible according to the agreement of the jurists This is indicated by the words of God Almighty: ﴿ لَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْكُمْ إِنْ طَلَّقْتُمُ النِّسَاءَ مَا لَمْ تَمَسُّوهُنَّ أَوْ تَفْرِضُوا لَهُنَّ فَرِيضَةً ﴾ [البقرة: 236]. “There is no sin on you if you divorce women unless you touch them or establish for them a duty” [Al-Baqarah: 236]. It was narrated that Ibn Masoud was asked about a man who married a woman and did not impose a dowry to her, He did not have intercourse with her until he died, so Ibn Masoud said: She has the dowry of her women, there is no deficiency or omission, and she is required to observe the waiting period, and she is entitled to inheritance, Then Maqil bin Sinan Al-Ashja’i stood up and said: The Messenger of God has ruled on Barwa’ bint Washq, One of us - just like you said. 2 - The customary marriage (Halal marriage if the terms and conditions are met) If it fulfills its pillars and conditions, including the guardian, the offer, acceptance, and witness to the contract, the dowry is a valid marriage even if it is not documented by official documentation authorities. But it is required by law Registering the marriage with an official document, and whoever does not do so is sinning, and if the contract is valid, it will have its legal consequences, as for customary marriage, in which both parties simply write a paper acknowledging the marriage, there is no dispute regarding its prohibition, as it is adultery and is not called marriage and It does not have the legal effects of marriage. Here is the fatwa of His Eminence Dr. Hossam Afaneh - Professor of Jurisprudence and its Principles at Al-Quds University in Palestine: It is well known that customary marriage is called a marriage that fulfills the pillars and conditions but is not registered with an official document, Such as registering it in the Sharia court, and a paper may be written in the presence of the guardian and witnesses, this is what writers have done in cases of marriage and personal status. But some people use the term common-law marriage It happens between a young man and a girl, such as when he says to her, “Marry me yourself,” and she tells him, I marry you myself Your wife and I then write a paper between themselves or with a lawyer, this type has become widespread in many countries and has begun to be practiced in our country, there is no doubt that this second type is invalid, and this is not considered marriage in Sharia law, but rather it is adultery, God Almighty forbid. The first is a legally recognized marriage This was common among Muslims in the past until documenting marriage with official documents became common among Muslims and some personal status laws became, It is necessary to officially register the marriage. There is no doubt that the marriage contract was concluded in the past without a document and without registration, as Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said: [The Companions, may God be pleased with them, did not write friendships because they did not marry on a delayed basis, Rather, they expedite the dowry, and if they delay it, it is well known, When people started getting married on the back end, and the period was getting longer and people were forgetting, they started writing down the back end, this became evidence in proving the dowry and that she was his wife, . total Fatwas of Sheikh Al-Islam 32/131. But registering the marriage contract has become a necessity. It is not said why we do not follow what the previous ones did, namely not registering? So I say: There is a difference between us and them. Many people’s reputations have been ruined, piety has diminished, and piety has almost disappeared in our time. Therefore, I stress the necessity of registering the marriage in an official document, I believe that whoever marries a common-law marriage or marries his daughter in a common-law marriage is a sinner according to Islamic law, although the common-law marriage, if completed, fulfills the pillars and conditions of marriage, It is valid according to Islamic law, and the fact that it is valid does not prevent it from being prohibited, like one who performs Hajj with illicit money, His argument is valid, but he is sinful according to Islamic law, It is known that writing and documenting contracts of all kinds is required by Sharia, especially in this era, when the religion of many people have been ruined and their religion and piety have diminished, their greed and avarice increased, and relying on the factor of trust between people is not guaranteed because people’s hearts are fickle and their circumstances change, God Almighty has commanded the strengthening of the religion, as God Almighty says: (يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا إِذَا تَدَايَنْتُمْ بِدَيْنٍ إِلَى أَجَلٍ مُسَمًّى فَاكْتُبُوهُ وَلْيَكْتُبْ بَيْنَكُمْ كَاتِبٌ بِالْعَدْلِ …. وَلَا تَسْأَمُوا أَنْ تَكْتُبُوهُ صَغِيرًا أَوْ كَبِيرًا إِلَى أَجَلِهِ ذَلِكُمْ أَقْسَطُ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ وَأَقْوَمُ لِلشَّهَادَةِ وَأَدْنَى أَلَّا تَرْتَابُوا ) سورة البقرة الآيتان 282-283 (O you who have believed, when you contract a debt for a specified period, write it down, and let a scribe write it justly between you... And do not be weary of writing it, whether small or large, according to its term, that is fairer in the sight of God, more steadfast for testimony, and more likely that you should not doubt. (Surat Al-Baqarah, verses 282-283) this is the divine command to write dinars and dirhams because of the preservation of rights in writing, so it is more appropriate to write what is related to honor and lineage, in addition to the above, people must adhere to what is stipulated in the Personal Status Law, so obeying this law is a matter of obedience to what is good, especially since it achieves people's interests and preserves their rights, especially the rights of women and children. It is known that all Muslims in this country refer to the Sharia judiciary, In their cases related to marriage, divorce, inheritance, etc., they refer to the Personal Status Law, which is derived from Islamic law, It must be adhered to according to Islamic law, and it was mentioned in the hadith that the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: (Obedience is only in what is right) Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim, and on the authority of Ibn Omar, may God be pleased with them, on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, who said (Hearing and obedience, A right as long as he is not commanded to commit disobedience. If he is commanded to commit disobedience, then there is no listening or obedience.) Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim. I present to those who issue fatwas against registering marriage in an official document and encourage people to do so, some of the things that happen in common-law marriages, the husband may deny that he married in an unregistered marriage, so what happens to the wife and children? It is known that some personal status laws may [The judicial courts were obligated not to hear or acknowledge a marital claim except upon submission of an official document, and this is what the Egyptian judiciary has settled on since 1931 It was stipulated in Article (99) of the Sharia Courts Regulations, amended by Law No. (78) of 1951. The Egyptian Fatwa House issued a fatwa on 2/1/1957, the paragraph stipulates that the case will not be heard when the marital claim is denied or acknowledged, Unless it is an official document, this paragraph does not require the official document for the validity of the marriage contract, Rather, it is a condition for hearing the case. One of these laws is the Kuwaiti Personal Status Law, It was stated in Article (92), paragraph: (A) “When denied, a marital claim will not be heard unless it is confirmed by an official marriage certificate, or the denial preceded acknowledgment of the marriage in official papers.” Jurisprudential developments in marriage and divorce issues, pp. 145-146. Likewise, a marriage that is not registered with an official document is easy to deny, consequently, he is freed from all his material and moral obligations. Unlike marriage documented with an official document [an official marriage is issued by an official document from the state, unlike customary marriage which is concluded verbally or in which a customary paper is written, the contemporary judiciaries have defined an official document as “one issued by an employee who is competent, by virtue of his job, to issue it.” The official document cannot be denied, It is not permissible to challenge it under any circumstances, and based on that, the marriage contract is definitively proven. As for the common-law marriage contract, even if it is proven by witnesses or a common-law document, it is subject to appeal and denial, If the paper written between them was lost or deliberately destroyed, what about the rights of the wife and children? What about the wife’s right to inheritance in the event of the husband’s death in a common-law marriage? How many tragedies have happened to the wife and children due to the failure to register the marriage with an official document? The conclusion: The marriage must be legally registered with an official document, and whoever does not do so is sinning, and if the contract is valid, it will have its legal consequences, No one should encourage customary marriage because of the harm it entails and the loss of the rights of the wife and children, I advise parents not to marry their daughters into common-law marriages and to be very careful about a valid marriage documented with an official document and registered in the Sharia courts, ended briefly from the website of His Eminence Sheikh Hossam Afaneh. His Eminence Sheikh Attiya Saqr, former head of the Fatwa Committee at Al-Azhar - may God have mercy on him - says: Customary marriage refers to a marriage contract that is not documented by an official document. It is of two types: A type that fulfills the pillars and conditions, and a type that does not. The first is a legally valid contract through which enjoyment is permitted and rights are determined for both parties and for the offspring resulting from them, as well as inheritance, This system was prevalent before modern systems existed that required the documentation of these contracts. As for the second type of customary marriage, it has two forms: A picture in which it is sufficient for both parties to agree to the marriage without any witnesses or others knowing about it, there is an option in which the contract is for a specific period, such as a month or a year, they are both invalid according to the agreement of the Sunni schools of thought. If we say that the first type is valid according to Islamic law, it is permissible to have sexual intercourse, but it has harmful effects. It results in forbidden things, including: 1 - That it violates the order of the ruler, and obedience to him is obligatory in what is not disobedient and achieves an interest, Allah says يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَطِيُعوا الله وأَطِيعُوا الرَّسُول وَأُولِي الأمْرِ مِنْكُمْ ) ( النساء: 59 ). (O you who have believed, obey God and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you) (An-Nisa: 59). 2 - The woman who has a pension will keep her pension; Because she is not officially married, but she is already married, and here she has seized what is not her right with God. Because her maintenance has become obligatory for her husband, It is not permissible to combine the pension, which is a government expense, with the pension imposed on her husband. This is consuming money unjustly, and it is forbidden. 3 - Also, not documenting it exposes her right to loss, such as an inheritance for which a lawsuit cannot be heard without a document, likewise, her right to divorce is lost if she is harmed, and it is not permissible for her to marry someone else unless he divorces her, perhaps he clings to it and does not divorce it, for this and other reasons, common-law marriage that was not documented was forbidden by Sharia, despite the validity of the contract and the possibility of enjoying it, something may be true and yet it is forbidden, such as someone who prays in a stolen garment, His prayer is valid, but it is forbidden in order to steal what covers the private parts so that the prayer is valid, likewise, if he performs Hajj with stolen money, the obligation is waived for him, and despite that, he has committed a great sin for theft. The blood marriage (invalid marriage) It consists of the young man and girl pricking each other's thumb to show blood, then placing their thumbs on each other. Until they blend with each other. Its legal ruling is “haram”. The shaghar marriage A question was received on the official page of the Egyptian Fatwa House, the content of which was: “Two men agreed that the first would marry his sister to the second’s son, and the second would marry his daughter to the first without a dowry, The two contracts were concluded in this form as compensation, so what is their legal ruling? Is it correct to cancel them? Here you go.” The answer to the question came in Fatwa No. 2545, as follows: “We looked at this question, and the answer: these two contracts, as stated in the question, are part of the well-known marriage contract, according to jurists, nikah al-Shighar means: marrying his daughter or sister to him, provided that the other one marries him, His daughter or sister, for example, in exchange for the two contracts, According to the Hanafi school of thought it is a valid marriage, in which the equivalent dowry for each of the two wives is obligatory for her husband, because marriage is a legitimate contract that is not invalidated by invalid conditions, but rather the condition is invalidated and the contract is valid. Here, the two contracting parties stipulated that one of the two contracts would take the place of the other in exchange for compensation without dowry, this is a corrupt condition; Because it results in the marriage contract being devoid of what constitutes a dowry, since what is specified is not money, so this condition is void, and a similar dowry is required; It was stated in “Explanation of Al-Zayla’i on Kanz Al-Daqa’iqa’” in (Chapter Al-Mahr) the following: “As for Nikah al-Shighar, which is when a man marries his daughter, sister, or female slave, provided that the other gives him his daughter, sister, or female slave in marriage, so that one of the two contracts is a substitute for the other; because it's called what is not suitable as a dowry, since what is called is not money, so the equivalent dowry is obligatory, such as if he marries her for wine or dead meat, and thus he knows the answer to the question if the situation is as mentioned.” The temporary marriage ( The pleasure marriage ) What is the ruling on temporary marriage, and what are the legal texts that indicate the ruling? Why did the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, permit temporary marriage and then forbid it? The answer Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon our prophet The basic principle of marriage is that it will last forever as long as the spouses remain together, except in rare circumstances in which separation is a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils; because the separation of spouses entails the destruction of the family, a catastrophe for the children, and the tearing apart of social ties that Islam is keen on perpetuating, this is why Islam forbids temporary marriage and considers it invalid due to the evils it entails, and those who issue fatwas regarding its permissibility are ashamed to mention it. It is found in their books and rarely in society, and I knew this from them firsthand, the enlightened among them blame the one who issues fatwas, therefore, there is no need for us to force them to do so so that they will not become fanatic towards it, and perhaps they will repent. Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated on the authority of the great companion Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that he forbade the pleasure of women. The strange thing is that those who claim that it is permissible consider themselves to be followers of Imam Ali, may God be pleased with him, but they do not act according to what the Sunnis narrate, as for why the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, remained silent about temporary marriage at the beginning, it was because it was one of the types of marriage known in pre-Islamic times, and settled in their souls, so the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, remained silent about it until the divine command came to prohibit it, as noted in the text of the previous hadith: (God has forbidden that) The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, does not come with a ruling of his own. God Almighty said: (وَمَا يَنْطِقُ عَنِ الْهَوَى . إِنْ هُوَ إِلاّ وَحْيٌ يُوحَى) النجم/3- (And he does not speak out of inclination, It is nothing but a revelation revealed.) An-Najm / 3-Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, threatened the companion who issued a fatwa permitting it, If the prohibition did not reach him, he threatened him with stoning if he did so, If every sane person thought about pleasure, he would find it similar to hiring prostitutes for immoral purposes, as it does not entail building a family, there is no stability between spouses, and therefore some countries that adhere to the Shiite doctrine have begun to fight this type of relationship between men and women, It encouraged those who offered themselves for this purpose to marry with financial assistance, If someone is unable to marry, she is qualified to learn a craft from which she can earn a living, then it is better to stop talking about this topic. God only knows the best.

  • The family provisions

    The conditions in marriage (the permissible conditions) The conditions that are resolved and must be fulfilled, what a woman demands from her husband, to sympathize with her with kindness or to release her, or if she stipulates that she will not be expelled from her country, or that she will continue her university studies, or other permissible matters. The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said that the most deserving of conditions is that they be fulfilled what's you have made private parts permissible. The conditions are not permitted The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said in the story of Barirah: Every condition that is not in the Book of God is invalid even if there are a hundred conditions, God’s decree is more worthy and God’s condition is more reliable. The jurisprudence of marriage and its provisions The marriage is obligatory in the case If his condition is unbearable; Because he has lust and fears for himself that he may fall into adultery, He must get married. In the hadith of Ibn Masoud in the Two Sahihs, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace, he said: “O young people, whoever of you can meet the requirements of marriage, let him get married, It lowers the gaze and improves chastity, and whoever is not able should fast, for it is a reward for him. The ba’a in the language: the genus is derived from the mba’a, which is the home, Its origin is the place in which one lives and seeks refuge, Among them is the mba’a of camels, which are their habitats, then it is borrowed for the marriage contract; Because whoever marries a woman gives her a home. The marriage is desirable in this case Desirable : If desired, if there is no danger The marriage is permitted in this case Permissibility: It is permissible for someone who has no desire to serve in worldly affairs if he informs him of it Some scholars said: It is absolutely necessary as long as it is lust, and he could not do as much as he could, even if it did not reduce the strife. To the general public: Young people. For example, he harms a woman because he is unable to have intercourse or provide for her, . Or in other words: It is forbidden for anyone who violates the wife’s right to intercourse or maintenance, despite his inability to do so and his longing for him, unless the wife knows about it and is satisfied with it. The Wedding night etiquette and cohabitation between spouses If a husband has consummated the marriage with his wife, it is desirable for him to please her with a gift, drink, or sweet and the he evidence is that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was build with Aisha ( It was mentioned in the hadith: “If one of you benefits a woman, a servant, or an animal, let him take her by the corner and say: Oh God, I ask you for the best of it and the best that have created for, I seek refuge in You from its evil and the evil of what it has created.” Narrated by Ibn Majah. To pray two rak’ahs together, as narrated from the predecessors (Ibn Masoud, Abu Dharr, and Hudhayfah) He mentioned the hadith of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace: (If one of you wanted to go to his family, he said: : In the name of God, O God, protect us from Satan, and avoid Satan from what You have provided us, If it is decreed that a child will be born between them; Satan never harmed him.) He comes to the wife from any direction he wants except the anus He may enter his wife from any direction he wants, and it is forbidden for him to enter her anus, when he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, Omar came to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and said: O Messenger of God, I have perished, He said: What destroyed you? He said: I moved my position tonight, He said, but the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, did not answer him anything: نِسَاؤُكُمْ حَرْثٌ لَكُمْ فَأْتُوا حَرْثَكُمْ أَنَّى شِئْتُمْ وَقَدِّمُوا لِأَنْفُسِكُمْ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّكُمْ مُلاقُوهُ وَبَشِّرِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ [البقرة:223] So God revealed to His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, this verse: Your women are your tillage, so came your tillage wherever you wish and provide for yourselves, And pious Allah and know that you will meet Him, and give good news to the believers [Al-Baqarah: 223] intercourse from in front and from back, and beware of anus and menstruation. God knows best. It is recommended to perform ablution during repeated intercourse Because of his saying, may God bless him and grant him peace: On the authority of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri, may God bless him and grant him peace, he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: If one of you comes to his family and then wants to return, he should perform ablution, Ablution between them, narrated by Muslim. Al-Hakim added, “It is more effective for the oud: private member. It is permissible for them to wash in one place, as the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, did with Aisha, may God be pleased with her, It is desirable for a person in a state of ritual ablution to perform ablution before sleeping, according to the command of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, according to Ibn Khuzaymah and Ibn Hibban: Aisha, may God be pleased with her, said: I and the Messenger of God were washing May God bless him and grant him peace from a vessel - Between me and him - one, so he hastened with me until I said: Leave for me, leave for me, she said: They are both gnban: impurity from intercourse and in a narration: From one vessel, our hands differ over it. On the morning of the wedding day, it is desirable for him to have his relatives come and greet them and pray for them, they do so because he did so with his family and wives, may God bless him and grant him peace. It is forbidden to spread the secrets of sexual intercourse It has been stated in the authentic hadith that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, from the hadith of Abu Saeed - He, peace and blessings be upon him, said: One of the most evil people will have a position with God on the Day of Resurrection, A man has intercourse with his wife and she has intercourse with him, Then he or she will publish her secret. If he invites her to his bed and she refuses, she will be cursed by the angels 1/281- On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God bless him and grant him peace, he said: The Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: If a man invites his wife to his bed But she did not come to him, and he spent the night angry with her, the angels cursed her until she wake up in morning. agreed upon. The etiquette of writing a marriage contract First: Approval of the Muslim guardian He is the father, brother, grandfather, paternal uncles, or paternal uncles, even if they are distant. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: (There is no marriage except with a guardian) Ahmad and others from Al-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud, and they also said: (Whoever marries without the permission of her guardian, her marriage is invalid, her marriage is invalid, and her marriage is invalid, If he enter with her, she will have a dowry that is permissible for her private parts, and if they are in trouble, The Sultan is the guardian of those who have no guardian she raises her issue without a legitimate excuse,   to the judge who marries her on behalf of her guardian. Second: The offer and the acceptance The first hadith 992- On the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them both: The Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: The woman who has previously been married has more right to herself than her guardian, the virgin is commanded, and her permission is her silence. narrated by Muslim. The second hadith 991- On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God bless him and grant him peace, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: A woman who has previously been married shall not be married until she is consulted, A virgin shall not be married until she obtains permission, they said: O Messenger of God, and how was her permission? He said: To be silent. agreed. The third hadith - On the authority of Khansa’ bint Khaddam Al-Ansariyya, that her father married her off She had previously been married, but she disliked that, so she went to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he annulled his marriage. The fourth hadith - A woman does not marry another woman, and a woman does not marry herself, the adulteress is the one who marries herself. The majority agree that a guardian is required for the marriage to be valid, contrary to Imam Abu Hanifa, may God have mercy on him, Who believes that marrying an adult woman is valid, Saying more is better, see Fatwa No.: 111441. Third: The witnesses On the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that he said: “There is no marriage except with a guide guardian, and two justice witness }. Narrated by Al-Khallal with his chain of transmission. Al-Shafi’i, may God have mercy on him, said: “Marriage will not be rewarded except by four things: The guardian, two witnesses of justice, and the wife’s satisfaction), Kitab al-Umm (2/169). Al-Tirmidhi, may God have mercy on him, said in Hadith (1103): Act on this according to the scholars of the Companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and those who followed them among the Successors and others. He said: There is no marriage except with witnesses, and they did not differ on that.) Fourth: The dowry Allah says (وَآتُوا النِّسَاءَ صَدُقَاتِهِنَّ نِحْلَةً) (النساء:4) God Almighty said: “And give the women their dowries as a gift” (An-Nisa: 4) Al-Qurtubi, may God have mercy on him, said in his interpretation: This verse indicates that dowry is required for the woman, and it is agreed upon and not disputed, the dowry is neither a condition nor a pillar. From the marriage contract, rather, it is one of the material rights of women, If the contract does not specify the final dowry (what is paid upon divorce), It is true that dowry is required for the wife agreed upon, the dowry is the wife’s right. It is not permissible for the guardian to take it except with her permission and consent, she has the right to waive her rights to her guardian, husband, or others. Every dowry for a woman is determined by the consummation or death of one of the spouses, or valid seclusion. It is the meeting of the spouses after the marriage contract, in a place where they can fully enjoy themselves and there is no objection to that, - Pleasure, such as forbidding pleasure, or illness that prevents enjoying her, or one of them being fasting, It is desirable to expedite the full dowry, but it may be delayed or partially delayed if it is impossible Because of the hadith, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to Ali, may God be pleased with him, when he wanted to marry Fatima: (Give her something) and the permissibility of delaying the end of the dowry: after divorce) God Almighty said, (لَّا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْكُمْ إِن طَلَّقْتُمُ النِّسَاءَ مَا لَمْ تَمَسُّوهُنَّ أوْ تَفْرِضُوا لَهُنَّ فَرِيضَةً ۚ وَمَتِّعُوهُنَّ عَلَى الْمُوسِعِ قَدَرُهُ وَعَلَى الْمُقْتِرِ قَدَرُهُ مَتَاعًا بِالْمَعْرُوفِ ۖ حَقًّا عَلَى الْمُحْسِنِينَ (236) (There is no sin on you if you divorce women without touching them, if you not establish for them a duty, and enjoy them with on the generous person as his measure, and on the poor as his measure, enjoying what is right - A right upon the benefactors (236) Is permission a condition or a pillar? The authorized person is not a condition or a pillar, but rather an employee who authenticates marriage contracts It is desirable to (sermon the need) in the hands of the contract and its formulation, (Praise be to God, we praise Him, we seek His help and seek His forgiveness, and we seek refuge in God from the evils of ourselves and the bad deeds of our deeds...) Allah says (يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ حَقَّ تُقَاتِهِ وَلَا تَمُوتُنَّ إِلَّا وَأَنْتُمْ مُسْلِمُونَ)(102) آل عمران (O you who have believed, pious God as He should be pious with, and do not die unless you are Muslims (102) Al Imran Allah says (يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُواْ رَبَّكُمُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ) الآية النساء (O people, pious your Lord, who created you from a single soul) Al-Nisa’ verse Allah says (يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَقُولُوا قَوْلًا سَدِيدًا) (70) الأحزاب (O you who have believed, pious Allah and speak words of correct (unbiased)) (70) Al-Ahzab On the authority of Jaber bin Abdullah, may God be pleased with them both: The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to say in his sermon: ((As for what follows, the best hadith is the Book of God, and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad, The worst of matters are newly invented matters, and every heresy is misguidance.) narrated by Muslim. Is it required that the guardian put his hand in the hand of the suitor at the time of the contract? The guardian is not required to extend his hand to the suitor at the time of the marriage contract. The conditions that are resolved and must be met, what a woman requires from her husband, to sympathize with her with kindness or release her, or if she stipulates that she will not be expelled from her country, or continuing university studies, or other permissible matters. - The most deserving of the conditions that you fulfill is that which you make private sexual intercourse permissible. The Impermissible conditions He said - may God bless him and grant him peace (...whatever condition was not in the Book of God It is invalid, even if it has one hundred conditions,   God’s decree is more deserving, and God’s condition is more reliable...).

  • Imama bint Al-Harith’s advice to her daughter

    from the psychology perspective The first talk from the illiteracy mother to her daughter ( Umm Iath bint Auf Al Shaibani) She said to her daughter on her wedding night as she bid her farewell to her daughter that if the will is left, it is for the virtue of literature, I left that to you, but it is an aid to the heedless and a warning to the wise, my daughter, if a woman dispensed with the husband because of the wealth of her parents and their great need for her, you would be most people dispense with your husband, but women are created for men, and for them men are created, you have left the nest, from which you came, The den in which you grew up.. to a den you were not familiar with.. and a companion you did not know. the explanation: You left your father’s house (the tender nest in which your father and mother feed you, in which is not only food, but with it is tenderness, but with it is every possibility to carry of your mistakes, And you will go to another nest with which you have not yet harmonized, and a companion to you (a companion) in waking and sleeping that you did not know before and did not study, so be a slave to him: unlike the free woman, that is, as if you are a slave, but only for your husband, you will be a slave and exchange harmony. The psychology Perspective: Wives' Submission to Husbands Why surrender to your lover is fun "Giving up is not about being passive, it's about being open." —Daniel Laporte Both surrender and submission include surrender to a superior force. However, in romantic relationships, they differ in such a way that surrender is only a joyful and prosperous experience. “Submission is a duty of the mind. Surrender of the heart, an emotional attitude that gives everything to your loved ones as you have each other.” -Missis, Romantic surrender and romantic submission part ways not in the activities themselves, but in the emotional circumstances and situations associated with each of them. Both experiences involve an imbalance of power and the giving of power to the other. The difference is whether the payoff is limited in time and extension, or rather, is a permanent and built-in aspect of the relationship, In romantic surrender, surrender is short and limited to romantic (often sexual) circumstances. This return can be part of the behavior of both partners. The primary emotional stance here is to improve the experience of the surrendering partner, thereby enhancing the well-being of both partners, In Romantic Submission, surrender is a well-established and enduring aspect of public relations between the two partners, and also slips into the romantic world. The activity here aims to increase the pleasure of the superior partner while harming the autonomy of the submissive partner, thus preventing that partner from flourishing. In romantic surrender, we trust and nurture the other; In submission, we exploit and humiliate the other. Romantic surrender is a flourishing experience for both partners, who thus broaden their horizons and self-knowledge. Romantic submission is demeaning to the lower extremity, whose view is reduced to that of the higher partner (Hill, 2016) There are cases when lovers first succumb to their mutual attraction - just drifting along the stream. However, when mutual surrender does not go beyond the stage of attraction, one may become bad - making the other submissive. Sometimes strong people also like to be sexually submissive, as a kind of play. Such a play, which can be fun, is legitimate as long as it is time-limited, reciprocal, and remains playful. whose more submission in relationship: man or woman? Two main cases are relevant here: (1) Throughout history, women have been more submissive than men in their daily behavior. and (2) there was a superficial resemblance between submissive activities in general and in the romantic sphere. These conditions are increasingly changing now. Women are less submissive in their daily behavior, and the issue of self-actualization and personal prosperity is increasingly taking on greater importance. accordingly, I believe that surrender, rather than submission, is becoming more and more common, and the differences between the sexes here are decreasing. More men will find romantic submission a pleasurable experience, and fewer women will engage in conditions of romantic submission. The second part of the hadith (A mother to her daughter) Memorize for him ten qualities that will be an asset for you: 1- As for the first and second, it is to submit to him with contentment, good hearing and obedience to him 1 - The Perspective of Psychology: The concept of obedience in psychology: Obedience is a form of social influence that involves doing an action under the orders of an authority figure. It is different from compliance (which involves changing your behavior at someone else's request) and conformity (which involves changing your behavior in order to fit in with the rest of the group). Instead, obedience involves changing your behavior because someone in authority has told you so. Studies have shown that humans are obedient when there are figures of perceived legitimate authority, as demonstrated by the Milgram experiment in the 1960s, which was carried out by Stanley Milgram to find out how the Nazis were able to involve ordinary people in the mass murders of the Holocaust. Experience showed that obedience to authority was the rule, not the exception. Regarding obedience, Milgram said, "Obedience is an essential component of the structure of social life. The existence of a system of power is a necessity for all forms of communal living, and those who live in isolation are the only ones who do not have to obey the commands of others either by refusal or submission. Third and fourth advice 3-4 - As for the third and fourth, it is to pledge to the position of his eyes and to inspect the position of his nose, so that his eyes do not fall on you that is ugly, and he does not smell from you except the best wind, and kohl is the best described beauty, and water and soap are the best known perfume. 3-4 from the perspective of psychology Emotional attitude towards private appearance and the appearance of the spouse: analysis of relationships with the relationship between spouses themselves, others, and the world The experimental data were analyzed using Spearman's correlation analysis, Mann-Whitney test, and Kruskal-Wallis test, and the results were as follows: (1) in men and women: The attitude towards their appearance is related to the attitude towards themselves; The attitude to the appearance of the husband is related to the attitude towards him or her; (2) In women, the assessment of their appearance is related to the attitude towards their appearance; In men, the assessment of their appearance is related to the attitude towards the appearance of their husbands; (3) The attitude of a woman to her appearance is related to the need for inclusion, while in the case of men it is related to the need for love; 4) Men who emotionally reject their mothers are dissatisfied with the appearance of their wives. Why couples need to "clean up" in their relationship Many newly married couples have woken up rudely because they have discovered the "dirty" side of their partners. Psychologists say that people do not attach much importance to personal hygiene, but what they do not realize is that the lack of it can affect marriage in a drastic way, it is not only newlyweds who face the demon of hygiene. Sometimes the partner starts to show a lack of hygiene over the years, as in the case of Rohit and Mira “Things were fine at first but with time I realized that he started neglecting his personal hygiene. He often forgot to brush his teeth,” she said. And that became a huge problem for me.” “I couldn’t stand myself, and I couldn’t tell him either because I knew he wasn’t going to take it kindly,” she admits. Soon the distance started creeping in between them and she ended up turning Rohit away from her. Experts feel it’s good to talk about Matters if a lack of cleanliness leads to a situation where the marriage may fall apart, although the impure partner may not take it with a smile, so to speak, but marriage counselors strongly suggest it.The reluctant partner should take the risk of telling the partner what and where the problem is.Risk harassment The partner is much less at risk of losing/dissolving your marriage. The secret to a healthy marriage is...make-up? According to the Daily Mail, a recent survey found that "a third of women get up before their partner to secretly apply makeup, while 3 percent won't let their man see them at all." Fifth and sixth advice 5-6 - As for the fifth and sixth, check the time of his meal and be calm when he sleeps, for the heat of hunger is blazing and disturbs sleep, distressing and angering him, The Perspective of Psychology Lack of sleep and its relationship to stress: Sleep is a necessary human function - it allows our brains to recharge our bodies for rest.1 When we don't sleep long or enough, our bodies don't get the full benefits of sleep, such as muscle repair and memory enhancement. Sleep is so critical that even slight sleep deprivation or lack of sleep can affect memory, judgment, and mood. In addition to feeling lethargic, chronic sleep deprivation can contribute to health problems, from obesity and high blood pressure to driving safety risks. Research has shown that most Americans would be happier, healthier, and safer if they slept an extra 60 to 90 minutes a night. 7-8 - As for the seventh and eighth it is taking care of his house and his money and taking care of himself and his children, the matter is good management in money, and in children, good management, 7 - 8 - the perspective of psychology: Why is a clean home so therapeutic? Even if you prefer to have a little clutter in your living environment, house cleaning is still an essential part of home ownership and daily maintenance. Why is it so important to our souls to have a clean home? While interpretations vary, some promising new research shows that having a clean home encourages us to seek new experiences and go out more often, all of which can be helpful in managing negative emotions. According to a study conducted at Indiana University, St. Louis residents reported higher levels of physical activity. When they had a clean house. In fact, researchers found that indoor hygiene was one of the main predictors of physical activity, even when all other factors were taken into account. Living in a clean environment can also increase your focus and concentration, according to a 2011 study published in The Journal of Neuroscience. This is because the brain treats clutter and debris as a distraction in an attempt to force you to correct the situation. Whether you realize it or not, your subconscious mind uses mental resources to tackle the clutter in your home or work environment—and consumes valuable bandwidth to perform other tasks. The study examined how financial well-being, financial disagreements, and perceptions of financial inequality were associated with the likelihood of divorce. When financial disagreements were in the model, financial well-being was not related to divorce. Financial disagreements between spouses and spouses were the strongest types of disagreements to predict divorce. Mediators derived from systems theory (conflict tactics) and social exchange theory (marital satisfaction) fully mediated the association between financial discord and divorce risk. Finally, financial disagreements fully mediated the association between perceptions of financial inequality and divorce. These results indicate that financial disagreements are the strongest predictors of divorce compared to other common marital disagreements. They further suggest that financial disagreements (eg, "content") are related to the marriage process. 9 - 10 As for the ninth and tenth Do not disobey his command or disclose to him a secret, for if you disobey his command, you will tempt his chest, and if you disclose his secret, you will not be safe from his treachery The Psychology perspective Marriage secrets and the need for privacy In a healthy relationship, you respect the sense of emotional and physical privacy needed for you and your partner. Otherwise, ironically, you end up limiting intimacy with each other, not enhancing it. You can't be really intimate with your soulmate without being in touch with the inner parts of yourself as well, Bad times to share a secret, If you are going to engage your spouse in a confidential or difficult matter, note that the following times are not a good time to have important conversations: at bedtime , during periods of anger, when either of you is in a bad situation When either of you is tired or sick When you or your spouse is angry When your spouse is already dealing with bad news, then after that.. Beware of joy in his hands if he is concerned and depression in his hands if he is happy, for the first is from investigation and the second is from slander. How to deal with your partner's bad mood? Tired of walking on eggshells? Mood swings can negatively affect your relationship. Here's how to cope. Many of us have grown up ignoring our emotional responses and, as a result, not knowing how to manage strong emotions when they arise. Moods, such as frequently changing moods or depression, can arise when we avoid or are unable to solve the problems we are struggling with. If we allow ourselves to feel our feelings without doing anything to stop them, they usually pass. But if we try to block our feelings, negative feelings can falter and persist, creating more stress that can affect how we interact with those around us. But what if your other half is in a bad mood? And what happens when these moods start to affect you? Spending time with a moody partner a lot can be very stressful and hard to deal with. Bad moods can feel like they're turning on us, and most people tend to take responsibility and blame themselves for what feels around them. So, what can we do to support our loved ones when they are struggling, while managing the effect of our partner's mood on us at the same time? And how do we know when it's time to move on? The most you honor him is the most honorable to you, and you will not reach that until you prefer his satisfied over yours... and his desires over your desires in what you like or dislike. How to treat a man like a king: 21 ways to make him feel like a king Understand what your husband needs, wants and expects The list of ways to treat your man like royalty is an exhaustive list, but it's important to understand that every man is different. While one man will treat you like a queen from the start, another expects you to be treated that way before putting in the extra effort. Every man has different expectations, especially in the beginning, Pay attention to his words and actions If he doesn't tell you directly what to expect during that initial conversation, pay attention to his words and actions. If he says you don't have to do something for him or that he doesn't want you to do it, that means he'd rather you not do that particular thing 1. Treat yourself like a queen When you treat yourself like a queen, it's guaranteed to make your man feel his best. This means keeping up with your appearance. Perform routine maintenance for women, such as manicures and pedicures. Dress for your man sometimes. Your husband will appreciate it, even if he makes fun of you because you spend so much time getting ready. 2. Make his favorite meal If you are wondering how to treat a man like a king, it is important to realize that this does not mean that you are his servant. This also does not mean that you need to fulfill all his wants and needs. Taking care of him as if you were his mother is not included. 3. Respect him Everyone deserves respect, but we tend to forget how important that is when we're in a relationship. Sometimes, we are disrespectful when we are angry, or we are unintentionally disrespectful. Show him you respect him 4. Men love compliments too Sometimes we forget to tell our guy how amazing he is. Society as a whole expects men to be strong. Unfortunately, this strong man image makes most of us think that they don't care about these compliments. They do and want to feel like king. Let him know that you like his look, his hair, his eyes, etc. 6. Show him affection I don't care how tough a guy is, he'll still love cuddles and kisses and holding hands. Men like to feel wanted and loved too. If there is a little distance in your marriage, consider giving him some extra affection to make him smile. The great ideas of a Bedouin woman who may not be able to read and write are now over. To this day, they still affect the marital relationship in a positive effect and it is linked to the psychological studies that support it.

  • The consanguineous marriage between science and religion

    The consanguineous marriage in Islam Marriage between relatives is not explicitly forbidden in Islam, nor is it encouraged, as it leaves people to choose what is most appropriate for them, perhaps this approach confirms what modern medicine has reached on this subject, which is that consanguineous marriage is... Not harmful at all, it may be useful, In the event of a high level of intelligence, beauty, and strength in the family, and therefore saying that marriage between relatives is harmful, even though Islam permits it, is a statement that lacks scientific validity. Some examples of consanguineous marriage in Islam Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) married Fatima Al-Zahra (peace be upon her) and he is the cousin of the Messenger, may God bless him, his family, and his companions, as is clear, The Messenger married his paternal aunt’s daughter, Zainab bint Jahsh The positive aspects of consanguineous marriage If the family has desirable genetic factors that are not in other families, such as characteristics of beauty, intelligence, strength, longevity, etc. the marriage between relatives is better than marriage between strangers, provided that the marriage is not between relatives and lasts for a generation so that families do not turn into small closed communities, which proves that it is genetically harmful, and thus the chances of marriage between relatives and distant relatives are equal in these cases, whether one or the other. May God bless him and grant him peace, he commanded us, By choice, as he said: “Choose for your sperm,” and choice in our time is based on genetic counseling. The negative aspects of consanguineous marriage are not sacrificing one generation for the sake of another To clarify this point, we assume that in society marriage is only between relatives. In this case, we find that the percentage of presence of disease genes in this society, It will increase in the offspring of this generation as a result of not getting rid of these disease genes, as their closeness is in a dual or rare case, the result is that as generations pass, the presence of these disease genes in society will increase, this leads to a steady increase in the emergence of hereditary diseases, these genes control it in future generations, such as pancreatic cirrhosis. God permitted the Messenger to marry the daughters of a paternal uncle, paternal uncle, and maternal uncle, who was one of the lowest ranks, so I knew that this was permissible, but the ruling changed from permissibility to hatred, or something more severe than that, if there is a reason that changes the permissibility to other things, as evidence of health damage, family disintegration, or social instability among relatives and surrogates. The religious response to consanguineous marriage The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, urged the qualities on which a man should choose his wife, He did not mention to her that the wife is a stranger and is not related to her because of lineage,   rather, the request for delay should be from righteous people and specialists. Allah says يا أيها النبي إنا أحللنا لك أزواجك اللاتي أتيت أجورهن وما ملكت يمينك مما أفاء الله عليك وبنات عمك وبنات عماتك وبنات خالك وبنات خالاتك…” (الأحزاب: 50) This verse is a middle ground between excess and negligence, because Christians do not marry a woman unless the lineage between them and her grandparents is seven or more, and for Jews, one of them marries his brother’s daughter and his sister’s daughter, this pure and complete law came to destroy the excess of Christians, so it permitted the daughter of , paternal uncle, and maternal aunt’s daughter, and prohibited what the Jews left behind. In any case, marriage between relatives is permitted in the first place, provided that social and health conditions are taken into account, in each case, without comparison to others, with a medical examination and marriage examinations conducted before its conclusion. The refuting the validity of the topic The increase in the incidence of genetic diseases in offspring resulting from recessive genetic factors in both parents, It does not depend on inbreeding in any way, but depends mainly on the extent of the spread of the recessive genetic factor among members of the population as a whole, If more than 1:8 is prevalent in the community; Marrying distant people is no guarantee of having genetically healthy children, we understand from this that some genetic diseases appear in offspring in societies where recessive genetic factors are widespread among its members, the prevalence is about 1:8 equal to the ratio of its occurrence in offspring in both inbreeding and mixed mating, there is another assumption if the prevalence of the recessive genetic factor in the community is more than 12% and the family in this community is genetically pure, In this case, marriage between relatives in this family is much better and safer than intermarriage. Examples of these diseases include sickle cell anemia: If the recessive genetic factor is restricted to members of a particular family more than to members of the population around them, then intermarriage is preferable to inbreeding. But if the opposite is true, and the members of the family are genetically pure, and the members of the community around them are prevalent in the recessive genetic factor, then in this case consanguineous marriage is safer and more secure than intermarriage, for example, in some areas of Italy and Sicily, the recessive genetic factor for sickle cell anemia is present in community members at a rate of up to 10%, and the percentage is higher in other communities, such as some areas of Kenya, where the percentage reaches 40% in community members. If we assume that a family and its members immigrated They are genetically pure from this genetic factor... Isn’t marriage between relatives better than marriage between distant people? We come to an important conclusion This is that consanguineous marriage may sacrifice the current generation for the sake of future generations, and lateral marriage may sacrifice future generations for the sake of the current generation, and thus we find in the end that even in diseases governed by recessive genes, there is no preference for inbreeding over intermarriage, nor for further marriage on inbreeding, and the scientific possibility of transmitting a minority of hereditary diseases resulting from recessive genes, inbreeding occurs in one condition, which is that the members of the community are genetically pure and the members of the family are genetically pure. The endogamy There is absolutely no authentic text that prohibits this, and the hadith about “Western marriage” is incorrect. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, married his cousin Zainab, and the verse in the Qur’an is clear Allah says يا أيها النبي إنا أحللنا لك أزواجك اللاتي أتيت أجورهن وما ملكت يمينك مما أفاء الله عليك وبنات عمك وبنات عماتك وبنات خالك وبنات خالاتك…” (الأحزاب: 50) O Prophet, we have made your wives lawful for you, those whose you pay them their wages, And your paternal uncle’s daughters, and your paternal aunts’ daughters, and your paternal uncle’s daughters, and your paternal aunt’s daughters…” (Al-Ahzab: 50) Exclusively prohibition; Other than that, among relatives, it is absolutely permissible, and that does not prevent him from preferring to reduce consanguineous marriage in order to preserve the expansion of kinship and lineage, for fear of consolidating some negative genetic traits. Therefore, it is a matter of preference and not a matter of prohibition. Sometimes we may find relatives who have married each other and they are full of intelligence, intellect, and physical integrity while adhering to religion, and everything is taken into consideration accordingly. There is also no objection to a person who wants to marry his relative to undergo a medical examination to ensure that there are no medical contraindications. I finish Marriage of relatives was not intended in the legal prohibition, nor was it commanded. Rather, he left the matter to permissibility until he studied each case separately. Perhaps it is more appropriate for a man to marry his female relative.  There may have been social considerations that favored consanguineous marriage, and consanguineous marriage might lead to severing ties of kinship, or increasing quarrels between relatives, if it was known in the family that the friendship between them was unstable. Among the jurists mentioned: the fear of the weakness of children, and investigating them according to the opinion of doctors, and it has been proven that the matter is not conclusive. Most scientific studies confirm the existence of common genetic diseases Among the most prominent diseases are hemoglobin in the blood, “hemoglobin,” birth defects, metabolism, and common monogenic diseases, which are the main cause of many diseases and disabilities in children, and according to some studies, consanguineous marriage inherits 82 diseases, such as recurrent miscarriage, multiple disabilities, multiple vesicles in the kidneys, thalassemia, iron overload disease, atrophy of the muscles of the face and shoulders, multiple neoplastic diseases of the colon, and low birth weight. Less consanguineous marriage and other diseases. Although this is the legal medical ruling, she does not mind the marriage of relatives, but she urges caution and caution. The psychological rooting of consanguineous marriage In Iran, after unintentional accidents, mental health problems are the second major burden of disease. Consanguineous marriage is very common in Iran and the relationship between parental consanguinity and mental health is an important issue that has not yet been adequately studied in Iran. The study revealed the prevalence of social dysfunction among the students and the absence of a relationship between consanguineous marriage to one of the parents and mental health. Parental consanguinity and genetic factors may not be the main causes of the prevalence of mental health problems in Iran, and the effects of environmental factors on these problems may be greater than those of inherited factors. The conclusion The study revealed that social dysfunction was very common among SKUMS students and that mental health problems tended not to occur as frequently in children of consanguineous parents compared to children of non-consanguineous parents. These findings suggest that mental health problems may not have a recessive or polygenic inheritance pattern. What is taken into consideration: Pre-marital examination One of the important matters is the medical examination of married couples before marriage to determine the impact of marriage on the future of the children and the family in general. Among the requirements for marriage are the contract in Qatar and the examination before marriage, and this is what all the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council have adopted, and this is what we wish for all Arab and Islamic countries, and with this examination the individual can correct many matters that are difficult to correct after marriage. The linksما-رأي-الإسلام-في-زواج-الأقارب-بعضهم-من-بعض؟

  • Surah Yunus, page 214

    Allah says " ومنهم من يستمعون إليك أفأنت تسمع الصم ولو كانوا لا يعقلون " And among them are “those who listen” to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when he reads the revelation, not as a guide, but rather as a spectator and a disbeliever, It seeks missteps, and this is useless listening, and there is no good for its people. No offense, the door to success has been closed to them, and they have been deprived of the benefit of listening. As for hearing the argument, they have heard what God’s decisive argument is based on upon them. This is a great path, one of the paths of knowledge. It has been blocked for them, and it is the path of hearings related to goodness. A view around the verse This is against the Prophet - Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and they did not benefit from it during his life - may God bless him and grant him peace - so what after his death? Those who listen to preachers, to sheikhs, to scholars: And from the people, from: part, That is, not all people are like this, but rather some people listen to you while you talk about God, His Messenger, and His religion, nothing but to seek trouble, waiting for mistakes and spreading them everywhere does not hear you denying God - the Almighty - to benefit, no, no, but rather the opposite. therefore, if you are a sheikh, a religious scholar, or even a preacher, then there is no need for someone to listen to ridicule and rebuke your mistakes, Just remember: are you making the deaf hear? And if they hear, they will never weigh these words that you said with the scale of reason. How can the deaf who do not hear understand and weigh words with the scale of reason that they have never heard in the first place? Allah says " ومنهم من ينظر إليك أفأنت تهدي العمي ولو كانوا لا يبصرون " “And among them are those who look to you. Will you guide the blind, even if they did not see.” Just as you do not guide the blind even if they do not see, so you do not guide these people. If their minds, hearing, and sight, which are the paths that lead to knowledge and knowing the truths, are corrupted, then where is the path that leads them to the truth? Speaking of looking: Looking at the condition of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, his guidance, his morals, his deeds, and what he calls for is one of the greatest proofs of his sincerity and the validity of what he brought, and that it is enough for the insightful to do other than other evidence. A view around the verse God - the Almighty - speaks about the real entry points for the mind in order to treat it and reach the consequences of matters in this world before the afterlife, after reaching the afterlife, there is no benefit from admonition and no consequences except what was done in this world. Some people also look to the preacher or sheikh...etc. of course, after the death of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - he looked at you, with a look full of hatred for what you said: not out of hatred against you and only, but out of hatred against this religion, for God Almighty - He says it in another place in Qur'an, ( وَإِذَا تُتْلَىٰ عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتُنَا بَيِّنَاتٍ تَعْرِفُ فِي وُجُوهِ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا الْمُنكَرَ ۖ يَكَادُونَ يَسْطُونَ بِالَّذِينَ يَتْلُونَ عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتِنَا ۗ) (And when Our clear verses are recited to them, you recognize evil in the faces of those who disbelieve, they are almost oppressing those who recite Our verses to them.) there are people who are blind, and if you see them looking, they just stare at you and do not see you, but your words knock on their minds, they also never understand or see the truth. Allah says " إن الله لا يظلم الناس شيئا ولكن الناس أنفسهم يظلمون " “God does not wrong people at all, but people wrong themselves.” “But the people wrong themselves.” The truth comes to them, but they do not accept it, so God punishes them after that, with a seal on their hearts, of course, and a seal on their hearing and sight. A view around the verse God - the Almighty - does not do even the slightest bit of injustice. Rather, it is the people who wrong themselves, by listening to the words of the demons of the jinn at times, or by listening to the words of the demons of the human beings at other times, Or even those who appointed themselves injustice to themselves, but life is full of deceit, deception, If you get out of all of these, your injustice to yourself will still exist, People also treat each other unjustly, and wrongdoing is done by forgiving. If the person who committed it, does not forgive it ( the oppressor), then I will punish you with injustice if you are worthy of God Almighty, So your punishment here in this world will be hastened for you, and if it is the last, then you are God Almighty if you are fundamentally afraid that you will have a difficult day. So, the injustice of the people, even if we see it from God, is nothing but pure justice, but most people do not know. Allah says " ويوم يحشرهم كأن لم يلبثوا إلا ساعة من النهار يتعارفون بينهم قد خسر الذين كذبوا بلقاء الله وما كانوا مهتدين " “And on the Day when He will gather them, it will be as if they had only stayed for an hour during the day They get to know each other, those who denied the meeting with God have lost, and they were not guided.” God Almighty tells us about the speed with which the world will end, and that when God Almighty gathers the people and gathers them for a day about which there is no doubt, it is as if they had only stayed for an hour of the day, as if neither bliss nor misery had passed over them, And they get to know each other, as is their situation in this world. On this day, the righteous win, and those who denied the meeting with God and were not guided to the straight path and the right religion lose, as they missed out on bliss and deserved to enter Hell. A view around the verse On the day of the gathering and crowding of all nations, God Almighty will proceed after mentioning injustice and whoever claims to be oppressed while he is unjust, and vice versa is true, The Day of Judgment comes, and every person feels that he has only lived through life's failures and limited moments of happiness, but that he has lived in the abode of this world for only an hour of the day. Why did God come during the day and not at night? Perhaps it is clearer and longer, especially in the summer, and perhaps people spread out more and start getting to know each other. Those who denied the meeting with God have lost, and they were not guided Of course, the matter involves a great loss. Imagine losing a 5-day break in one of the floating hotels in the Maldives, for example, with a small space for two hours in a nearby neighborhood? Your sacrifice of this long period of time is somewhat of a loss, isn't it, let alone permanent life in the afterlife. And God Almighty also judged them that they were not guided in this world. Allah says " وإما نرينك بعض الذي نعدهم أو نتوفينك فإلينا مرجعهم ثم الله شهيد على ما يفعلون " “And either We will show you part of what We promised them, or We will die you, To Us is their return, then God is a witness over what they do.” Do not grieve, O Messenger, for these deniers, and do not rush them, for the torment we have promised them will inevitably befall them. Either in this world, you will see it with your own eyes, and your soul will acknowledge it, As for the Hereafter after death, their return will be to God, and He will inform them of what they used to do. He recorded it and they forgot it, and God is Witness of all things. It contains a severe threat to them, and comfort for the Messenger whom his people rejected and opposed him. A view around the verse Oh Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - have a good mind. Those who listen to you and look at you are asking for missteps. If you knew what God will do to them, your mind would be in a good state, It is a relief in two cases that do not have a third: 1 - Either we show you some of what we promise them in the world Such as the death of 70 hardened infidels on the Day of the Battle (the Battle of Badr) or other events of those who harmed you and your call (what was their end)? 2- or we die you That is, the possibility that you will not see the fate of all those who hurt you Here is their reference This is sufficient reference for every oppressor who does not believe in the Day of Judgment Then God is a witness to what they do If you work in a multinational company, and you know that you are under constant surveillance, then your work is regulated, especially if you want to advance in your work. Don’t you know that we know that God is a witness to our deeds? on the secrets of our chests, on our advice to others that serve our interests and only. Doesn’t He know who created He who is the Kind and All-Aware, who knows what your soul is whispering about? Actions: there is a witness over them and from the self. Allah says " ولكل أمة رسول فإذا جاء رسولهم قضي بينهم بالقسط وهم لا يظلمون " “And every nation has a messenger, so when their messenger comes It was decided between them with justice, and they will not be wronged.” So God judges between them with justice, by saving the believers, and destroying the deniers, “and they will not be wronged,” by being tortured before sending the Messenger, and explaining the proof, or being tortured for a crime other than theirs, Let those who disbelieve in you beware of imitating the nations that will be destroyed, and what will happen to them will befall them. For he has nothing to do with the matter, but rather it is his responsibility to convey the message and explain it to the people, as for their reckoning, and the infliction of punishment upon them, it is from God Almighty. A view around the verse The nation: It is the large group of people that have a common history and general rules by which they follow. Indeed, to each of the previous nations came a messenger like you, O Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace, If the Day of Resurrection comes with a Messenger for every nation: every one of this nation will know exactly what his work was, and the judgment will be done justly, and no one will be wronged on this day. Allah says " قل أرأيتم إن أتاكم عذابه بياتا أو نهارا ماذا يستعجل منه المجرمون " “Say, ‘Have you seen if His torment comes upon you by night or by day, What do criminals rush to do. At the time of your sleep at night, or during the day, during your slumber, what do the criminals hasten to do? That is, what good news did they hasten to, and what punishment did they seek? A view around the verse Say, “Have you seen it?” This time is a consideration, not a consideration for the sake of seeking missteps. If His torment comes upon you by night or by day Torment comes in many forms: illness, lack of money, not having children, having disobedient children, famines, slaves, wars, conflicts, etc.... These types of torment and others are the right of the believer if he is a true believer: expiation for sins and an increase in honor with God. The evidence is: (On the authority of Ali, on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who said: “Whoever harms someone, his punishment in this world will be hastened, God is more just than to bestow punishment upon His servant in the Hereafter, And whoever harms someone, God will protect him and pardon him, God is too generous to go back on something He has pardoned. [Hasan] - [Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah] As for the right of the disbeliever in God here in this abode (the abode of the world), it is nothing but a simple torment followed by a great torment... May God protect you and us. What are criminals in a hurry to do? Who is the criminal? A criminal is someone who commits a felony for which he deserves criminal punishment and prosecution by law. If God Almighty brings His punishment upon some people for any reason,   Was their request for torment easy and easy? The torment came, so why were they hastening? May God protect us. Allah says " أثم إذا ما وقع آمنتم به آلآن وقد كنتم به تستعجلون " Now, “Do you believe in times of distress and hardship?” And you used to hasten with it. “For God’s tradition regarding His servants is that He admonishes them if they seek refuge in Him before the torment occurs. So if the torment occurs, It is of no benefit to a soul to have faith, as God Almighty said about Pharaoh, when drowning overtook him, “He said, ‘I believe that there is no god but Him in whom the Children of Israel have believed, and I am of the Muslims.’” And it will be said to him, “Now that you disobeyed before and were of the corruptors.” A view around the verse If the torment occurred - may God protect us - tsunamis - earthquakes - volcanoes, even if they were artificial, even if they were due to climate injustice, in this case do you believe in the existence of God - the Almighty -? Of course, these words are for the polytheists who have another god with God, or do they not believe in His existence at all. . Allah says " ثم قيل للذين ظلموا ذوقوا عذاب الخلد هل تجزون إلا بما كنتم تكسبون " “Then it will be said to those who wronged, ‘Taste the torment of eternity, “Are you rewarded except for what you used to earn? “Then it will be said to those who wronged” when they have completed their deeds on the Day of Resurrection: “Taste the torment of eternity,” meaning: the torment in which you will abide forever, and it will not abate for you for an hour. “Will you be rewarded except for what you used to earn” of disbelief, denial, and sins? A view around the verse See: Then it was said to those who wronged We imagine, from the context of the noble verses, that the hadith will be directed at the disbelievers in Him, Glory be to Him, the Almighty. No, no, but rather those who have wronged. There are types of injustice, as you know 1 - Injustice between you and God (sins, big and small: their recourse is to God, if He wills, He will forgive or take punishment) and he will have an offices of grievances on the Day of Resurrection. 2 - An injustice between you and God as well (polytheism). If you die as a result of that, God will never forgive it, and he will also have an offices of grievances on the Day of Resurrection. 3 - Injustice between you and people: He will also have a record of injustices on the Day of Resurrection, but God - the Almighty - will never look at it except with the forgiveness of the oppressed by the oppressor, this is a difficult day, everyone is searching for a good deed, and you are aware that one of the requests of the oppressed on the Day of Resurrection is to take from the good deeds of the oppressor. If the good deeds of the oppressor are exhausted, the oppressed person will ask for his own bad deeds to be taken away and placed in the scales of the oppressor. Now: oppress people at your convenience Taste the torment of eternity. Will you be rewarded except for what you used to earn? Allah says " ويستنبئونك أحق هو قل إي وربي إنه لحق وما أنتم بمعجزين " “And they will ask you who is more deserving, Say, “Yes, by my Lord, it has come true, and you are not unable to do so.” That is: liars ask you for advice on the basis of obstinacy and obstinacy, not on the basis of clarification and guidance, If good, then good, and if bad, then evil? “Say” to them, swearing that it is true, citing clear evidence and proof: “Yes, by my Lord, it is true.” There is no doubt or doubt in it. A view around the verse They seek information from you, O Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - the matter of the afterlife, the reckoning and the outcome. O, is it more deserving? Say, O Muhammad (yes, by my Lord)   It is a truth, and you cannot defeat God - the Almighty - neither in this world nor in the hereafter.

  • Surah Yunus, page 213

    Allah says " قل هل من شركائكم من يبدأ الخلق ثم يعيده قل الله يبدأ الخلق ثم يعيده فأنى تؤفكون " “Say: Is there among your associates one who initiates creation and then repeats it, say, “God initiates creation and then repeats it.” So how do you slander? This is an interrogative, meaning denial and affirmation, i.e. none of them begins creation and then repeats it, and it is weaker than that and more incapable, “Say, ‘Allah initiates creation and then repeats it.’” without a participant, and without anyone helping him in that, “Say, ‘Is there anyone among your partners who guides to the truth?’” With His explanation and guidance, or with His inspiration and success. A view around the verse Then God - the Almighty - asks a question that has only one answer, which is that the one who knew how to begin creation knows therefore how to repeat it. The West today is confused about how creation began, two giant telescopes were created to find out, one called Webb and the other called Hubble. Scientists have learned about how the universe originated in only two stages until now, what is colloquially called: (Infancy and childhood) with these two telescopes. As for the pre-initiation stage, they have not yet reached it, within the limits of my knowledge, except for the Big Bang theory, others who do not have scientific thinking claim that the universe arose from Mother Nature, but no one knows what it is or what its essence is. so, how you are slandering Falsehood: The most severe type of lying. How can you lie to yourselves to the degree that makes you believe in this precise geometric system in the universe that it arose on its own? Allah says " قل هل من شركائكم من يهدي إلى الحق قل الله يهدي للحق أفمن يهدي إلى الحق أحق أن يتبع أم من لا يهدي إلا أن يهدى فما لكم كيف تحكمون " “Say: Is there anyone among your partners who guides to the truth, Say: God guides to the truth. So whoever guides to the truth is more deserving of being followed or one who only guides, To be guided, so what is the matter with you, How do you judge? “Is he who is guided to the truth more deserving of being followed than he who is not guided” meaning: he is not guided “unless he is guided” due to his lack of knowledge and his misguidance, and that is their partner, who neither guides nor is guided, So what made you make this false judgment regarding the validity of anyone’s worship with God, after the appearance of the argument and proof, that no one deserves to be worshiped except God alone? If it becomes clear that there are neither moral characteristics nor actual characteristics in their gods that they worship with God, which require that they be worshiped with God, but rather they are characterized by shortcomings that lead to the invalidation of their divinity, So for what have you made gods with God? The answer is: This is Satan’s beautification of man, the ugliest of slanders, and the most misguided. He truly believed that and was familiar with it, and thought it was true, but it is nothing. A view around the verse Say: Is there anyone among your partners who guides to the truth? Another question from the Lord of the Worlds: You find a scholar of very precise sciences who worships cows or worships a human being in a synagogue, such as a famous football player who died, and he worships him after his death, or, or, among the ironies of life, the truth is that none of these partners whom you claimed to be gods with God - the Almighty - guide you to the truth, and what is the truth then? Look at the wisest sages in India - in China - in the Arabs: It has nothing to do with the Qur’an: what is its message to deliver wisdom to those who need it? You will find it to the best of its ability: with the stories of the predecessors - with experience - and wisdom summarizing for you what is wrong and what is right, look to God - the Almighty - you will find Him treating you in the Qur’an (the Word of God), sometimes with stories from previous nations, and sometimes with physical cosmic verses, as He spoke about them since 1445, A year before its discovery and other different ways by which God - the Almighty - guides people, and by which other peoples will remain eternally in Hell... Now who is the one who guides to the truth? Say, “May God guide to the truth.” Say, O Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - to the polytheists of Quraysh and those who come after them until the Day of Resurrection, God Himself declared that He is the one who guides to the truth, and the choice is yours Allah says " وما يتبع أكثرهم إلا ظنا إن الظن لا يغني من الحق شيئا إن الله عليم بما يفعلون " “Most of them follow nothing except in suspicion, and suspicion is of no avail against the truth, God is Knowing of what they do.” In fact, they do not follow partners with God, for God has no partner at all, either in mind or in transmission. Rather, they follow suspicion, “and indeed suspicion is no substitute for the truth, So they called them gods, and worshiped them with God. “They are nothing but names which you have named, you and your fathers. For them God has not sent down any authority,“Indeed, God is All-Knowing of what they do,” and He will reward them for that with severe punishment. A view around the verse In the noble hadith (Suspicion is the most false of the talking), the bride thinks that she will never get married, the young man thinks that he will never grow old, and the old man thinks that he may not die now, the truth is that worldly life is full of false and sometimes true suspicions, and that is why God Almighty says (some suspicions are sinful). God Almighty did not say that all suspicions are sinful, But if you think about God - the Almighty - what is befitting of Him, even if you deny Him in your provision, then this suspicion is a sin. To think that your believing brother has blemishes at times is a sin, and so on, therefore, the assumption here is that God - the Almighty - is partners with Him in this universe, and what is strange is that God Almighty said: (Most people follow this assumption: and most of them follow nothing but suspicion, that is, there is no certainty in the matter, rather it is just conjecture) Suspicion is of no avail against the truth Then he emphasizes to you: Your bad thoughts about God are no substitute for the truth (certainty). God knows what they do That is, the truth is God knows what each one of us does, and He will reward him, not for what he appears to do in front of people, but for what he does in reality. Allah says " وما كان هذا القرآن أن يفترى من دون الله ولكن تصديق الذي بين يديه وتفصيل الكتاب لا ريب فيه من رب العالمين " “This Qur’an was not intended to be fabricated by anyone less than than God, but believing what is in his hands and detailing the book, there is no doubt about it from the Lord of the Worlds.” God Almighty says: “And this Qur’an should not have been fabricated other than God.” That is, it is not possible or conceivable for this Qur’an to be fabricated against God, because it is the Great Book, which, It is the book in which “If mankind and the jinn gathered together to produce the like of this Qur’an, they would not produce the like of it, even if they were to help one another.” It is the book that the Lord of the worlds spoke, How can any of humanity speak like him, or something close to him, when speech is dependent on the greatness and description of the speaker?!! If anyone was like God in his greatness and descriptions of his perfection, it was possible for him to produce something like this Qur’an, If we had come down to obligation and estimation, then you would have said, “One is against the Lord of the Worlds,” we would have hastened punishment and hastened punishment. A view around the verse This Qur’an could not have been fabricated by less than God God - the Almighty - tells you in this aspect of Surat Yunus about two important things (there are no partners with God) (the truth is from God) and here in this noble verse he says to you: Trust that the Qur’an that you read and contemplate its meanings cannot be fabricated by anyone, whoever he is, without God’s permission. No one can and God Almighty will not allow that. But believing what is in his hands and detailing the book The confirmation with what Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - brought (the purified Sunnah). The Sunnah is the explanation and clarification of what is stated in the Qur’an. For example, we know in the Qur’an the obligation of prayer, but its method and the number of its rak’ahs we know from the Sunnah, This is how most of the provisions of the Holy Qur’an are, and that is why the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - says (I have been given the Qur’an and something like it with it), meaning the explanatory Sunnah that clarifies the provisions of the Qur’an. There is no doubt about it from the Lord of the Worlds An idea that casts doubt, an idea that is not welcome in this religion, that casts doubt on the Qur’an, that casts doubt on the Sunnah that is not welcome, If you believe in God that He is One, know that this Qur’an is beyond doubt and that it is from the Lord of the Worlds. Allah says " أم يقولون افتراه قل فأتوا بسورة مثله وادعوا من استطعتم من دون الله إن كنتم صادقين " Or do they say, “He fabricated it?” Say, “Then bring a surah like it, And call upon whomever you can besides God, if you are truthful.” Say, “For them” - they are obligated to do something - if they are able to do it, what they call for is possible, otherwise their statement is invalid, Then produce a surah like it, and call upon whomever you can besides Allah, if you are truthful.” He will help you to produce a surah like it, This is impossible. If it were possible, they would have claimed their ability to do so, and would have come up with something like it. But when their inability became apparent, it became clear that what they said was false and had no basis in argument. A view around the verse The skeptics: They will say Ali Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace (he slandered him) and slander: is the exercise of oppression, but what is meant here is fabricating a lie. Say: Bring a surah like it One of the wonders of the surahs of the Holy Qur’an is that they are very diverse, and God Almighty challenges the eloquent Arabs and the masters of the West equally to come up with a single surah of the Qur’an, You will find a complete surah based on coo, such as Surah Ar-Rahman, and you will find a surah that contains a complete story from beginning to end, and God tells of it that it is the best of stories, Surah Yusuf, So you find in it injustice and adversity and then victory for the oppressed in the end, and you find a surah like Surah Al-Qasas: it contains parts of the life of Moses - peace be upon him - but not all of it, and yet you do not feel at all that you need to continue the story, There is a strange thing about this Qur’an. Each separate surah is complete on its own and does not need any help from outside it. وادعوا من استطعتم من دون الله إن كنتم صادقين And call upon whomever you can besides God if you are truthful Now an invitation to invite you, God's partners - God forbid - to contribute to producing a single surah from this Qur’an. Allah says " بل كذبوا بما لم يحيطوا بعلمه ولما يأتهم تأويله كذلك كذب الذين من قبلهم فانظر كيف كان عاقبة الظالمين " “Rather, they disbelieved in what they did not comprehend and whose interpretation had not reached them, thus those before them lied, so see what was the end of the wrongdoers.” Likewise, until now, they have not received the interpretation that promised them that torment would befall them and punishment would befall them. This denial issued by them is of the same type as a denial before them, That is why he said: “Thus did those before them deny, so see what was the end of the wrongdoers,” which is the destruction, from which not a single one of them was left. Let them beware, If they continue to deny them, then it will befall them, as has happened to the denying nations and the destroying generations. This is evidence of the necessity of verifying matters, And a person should not hasten to accept or reject something before he has learned about it. A view around the verse بل كذبوا بما لم يحيطوا بعلمه ولما يأتهم تأويله Rather, they disbelieved in what they did not comprehend and whose interpretation did not reach them The idea of intelligence among intelligence men in any country and under any sky is based on a pivotal idea (being aware in comprehend way), if not covering news from all sides, You do not have the right to practice your work as an intelligence man, and here those who claim to God - the Almighty - are partners, denying that God - the Almighty - is one, even though they did not understand the matter from all its aspects. They do not yet know what made the big explosion happen, and therefore the beginning is incomprehensible. Likewise those before them lied, so see what was the end of the wrongdoers The Qur’an is full of stories about previous nations, so God Almighty teaches you about the consequences of these lying nations and those of them who survived (the few who were followers of the prophets and heavenly messengers) Allah says " ومنهم من يؤمن به ومنهم من لا يؤمن به وربك أعلم بالمفسدين " “And among them are those who believe in it, and among them are those who do not believe in it, and your Lord knows best of the corruptors.” “And among them are those who do not believe in Him, and your Lord knows best of the corruptors.” And they are those who do not believe in Him out of injustice, stubbornness, and corruption, so He will reward them for their corruption with the most severe punishment. Allah says " وإن كذبوك فقل لي عملي ولكم عملكم أنتم بريئون مما أعمل وأنا بريء مما تعملون " “And if they deny you, then tell me my work and you have your work, you are innocent of what I do and I am innocent of what you do.” “And if they disbelieve you,” then continue with your call, and you will not be held accountable for anything from them, for every deed he has done. A view around the verse Then God - the Almighty - will calm down the fear of our Master Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - (If they deny you), which is what happened except for the few believers, then say (I have my work and you have your work) You are innocent of what I do and you are innocent of what I do, and it is a type of avoiding reprehensible controversy, as there are types of controversy that claim to be dialogue of the deaf, that is, the person in front of you is deaf and cannot hear or speak what he understands, and he argues without hearing at all. Allah says " ومنهم من يستمعون إليك أفأنت تسمع الصم ولو كانوا لا يعقلون " “And among them are those who listen to you. Can you hear the deaf, even if they do not has a reason?”And among them are “those who listen” to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when he reads the revelation, not as a guide, but rather as a spectator and a disbeliever, It seeks missteps, and this is useless listening, and it brings no good to its people. The door to success is closed to them, and they are deprived of the benefit of listening.

  • Surah Yunus, page 212

    Allah says " للذين أحسنوا الحسنى وزيادة ولا يرهق وجوههم قتر ولا ذلة أولئك أصحاب الجنة هم فيها خالدون " “For those who do good, the goodness and more and neither poverty nor humiliation shall weigh down their faces. These are the companions of Paradise, wherein they will abide forever.” And when he called to the abode of peace, it was as if the souls longed for the deeds that would lead them to it, and he told about them by saying: “For those who do good, goodness and increase,” meaning: for those who did good in worshiping the Creator, by worshiping Him in a way of monitoring and advising Him, in His servitude, and doing what they were able to do of it. And do good to the servants of God, with what they are able to do of verbal and actual kindness from giving financial benevolence, physical benevolence, enjoining good, forbidding evil, teaching the ignorant, advising the rebellious, and other forms of righteousness and benevolence, Those who do good will have “the best,” which is: complete paradise in its goodness, and “extra,” which is: looking at the honorable face of God, hearing His words, winning His satisfaction, and rejoicing in His proximity. A view around the verse Those who think well, who think about the consequences and what happens to the people around them and about the oscillation of the world and its people between ease at times and hardship at times, So God - the Almighty - tells us in this verse that those who “have done benefactors” under which a hundred lines are placed have “good” and “good” is the increase in goodness, everything in it is acceptable, good, and a excellent. This is a excellent, but for whom? For the benefactors? And who are the benefactors? those who are proficient in their work and profession, and no one, no matter who, can fill the defect behind them who neglected to correct it despite their knowledge, the benefactor, in Islam is not a reward but a way of life, and remember the long hadith of Gabriel - peace be upon him - What is Islam, what is faith, what is Ihsan? The answer to the question of Ihsan was (to worship God as if you see Him, and if you do not see Him, then He sees you). What does this mean? Is it the knowledge that God Almighty is watching you in secret and in public so that your circumstances are in control? And only? Today in the West they have invented what is called Big Brother is watching you, He watches you in the streets, squares, on social media, in the work environment, etc., and this is in order to avoid committing crimes that deserve punishment. As for God - the Almighty - He has informed us that He, Glory be to Him, the Most High - is a Watcher and that He rewards man according to his work, If his work was good, perfect, and complete for the sake of God Almighty and only, then He will know this secret of his and reward him with goodness, the best kind of goodness on the Day of Resurrection. And more It is seeing God - the Almighty - in heaven Hey, how old are you now? Twenty, fifty, seventy... etc. How long have you been worshiping God - the Almighty - as He loves and pleases (with Ihsan- with mastery and completion of acts of worship, with sincere sincerity and hope of acceptance?) We assume twenty years ago, Perhaps you are close to meeting God - the Almighty - and perhaps not. We assume that you are close. Do you not remember with me what God Almighty said in the Holy Hadith (...when the night of the first day approaches you in your grave, the owner of the kingdom will call for you? And the King of kings says to you: O son of Adam, they returned and left you, and buried you in the dust, and if they had remained with you, they would not have benefited you, and there is nothing left for you except me, the living who does not die....) Loved ones will leave you, children, uncles, brothers, and others.... Are we really waiting to meet God? Do we not want to see the one whom we worshiped, relied on, and helped us in many situations? Do we have a direct relationship with God, between which there is no ambiguity in our actions or excessive obedience, and no extravagance in sins without repentance? And who will see God Almighty in Paradise? He is the one who does good in the world with sincerity and hope of acceptance. My brother: There are those who say: I work according to the amount of money they give me, no more. I do not put in more effort than that? Is this Ihsan ( Benefactor)... Just remember the immortal sentence of Sheikh Al-Islam (Muhammad Al-Ghazali): (Indeed, my face darkens when I see the work coming out from under the hand of the infidel, perfect, and coming out from under the hand of the believer, emaciated and disfigured.) To see God in Paradise, work here and here and only of this world. Pay the price here, and look for tomorrow. He will not enjoy the bliss of the people of Paradise with more than one vision. God - the Almighty - and mankind are near Him and talking to Him. Their faces are not worn out by poverty or humiliation Tell me what do you do? Are you someone's employee? Are you a servant of a king? Do you have a feeling of hardship on your face and you do not complain? Do you feel humiliated that God has placed you in this profession and this shame? Eh, in the afterlife (Honorable Face) You will no longer feel inferior or humiliated if you are a doer. Just do better, master, and complete what you started in this life. Your patience will not be exhausted except by meeting God - the Almighty - in a paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth. Allah says " ويوم نحشرهم جميعا ثم نقول للذين أشركوا مكانكم أنتم وشركاؤكم فزيلنا بينهم وقال شركاؤهم ما كنتم إيانا تعبدون " “And on the Day when We will gather them all together, then We will say to those who associate others, your place and your partners, so We caused discord among them, and their associates said, “It was not us that you worshiped.” That is: Stay where you are so that judgment and separation can take place between you and them. Then we separated them, with physical and mental distance, There was intense hostility between them, after they had given them sincere love and pure affection in this world. That love and guardianship turned into hatred and enmity. A view around the verse This is another scene from the scenes of the Day of Resurrection, but it is the opposite of the previous verse. Look at the distress (And the Day We will gather them). Are there kings among them? Are they among the presidents, ministers, and high-ranking people, the so-called elite? Perhaps, the unjust of them is of course in them. Then we say to those who associate others Your place and your partners Can you imagine the situation, forced crowding in a narrow place, then those who have associated others with God - the Mighty and Sublime - are singled out to another god and they are told where you are, i.e. stand still without moving or breathing until God decides a matter regarding you? We tempted them to enmity Enmity in the afterlife after love in this world based on interests And their associates said: “It is not us that you worship.” The false idol disavowed those who worshiped him and his followers in this world, because they knew with certainty that there is no god but God, and that there is no influence or authority there. Allah says " فكفى بالله شهيدا بيننا وبينكم إن كنا عن عبادتكم لغافلين " “God is sufficient as a witness between us and you if we are heedless of your worship.” We did not command you to do it, nor did we call you to that, but you worshiped the one who called you to that, which is Satan. The honorable angels, the prophets, the guardians and the like: they will disown those who worship them on the Day of Resurrection and disavow their call to them to worship them, and they are the truthful and righteous in that, Then the polytheists will feel sorrow that cannot be described they will know the extent of the deeds they have performed, and the bad qualities of their predecessors. A view around the verse It was said that the partners of the polytheists among the gods and idols will be theirs on the Day of Resurrection, when the polytheists said to it: It is you we used to worship (Sufficient [p. 80] is God as a witness between us and you) That is, it says: God is sufficient for us as a witness between us and you, O polytheists, for He knows that I do not know what you say. We were only ignorant of your worship of us instead of God, neither feeling it nor knowing it. Brother you might say What do I have to do with these Quranic words? I have never associated anything with my Lord, nor do I take idols or other human beings other than God. Did you know that at the end of the twenty-first century there are more than 4,000 earthly religions? One study says that there are 7,000 earthly religions. Yes, they are in the thousands, not hundreds. You are responsible!!! Have you conveyed the true religion of God Almighty to whom? For your kind of believers? Yes, the remembrance benefits the believers? And the rest of the people, (For the approximately one and a half billion people who live on planet Earth, a third of them believe in God - the Almighty - and two thirds do not believe in Him. What did you do instead of complaining and making noise like ( (May God fight the infidels and their helpers...) Stop, stop, for you are repulsive. People have entered the Islamic religion in droves due to the generous morals of the merchants in Andalusia, In the glory of the lands of the infidels at that time, and their morals were generous towards non-Muslims, stop cursing the darkness and stand up and work and strive for this religion in a way that is not repulsive. Allah says " هنالك تبلو كل نفس ما أسلفت وردوا إلى الله مولاهم الحق وضل عنهم ما كانوا يفترون " “There every soul will see what it has done before, they were returned to God, their True Master, and what they had invented has gone away from them.” It inspects its deeds and its earnings, and follows him with recompense, and rewards according to it, if good, then good, and if evil, then evil. “And they will be returned to Allah, their true Master, and what they used to invent has gone astray from them.” From their saying that the polytheism in it is true, and that whatever they worship instead of Allah, it will benefit them and ward off the torment from them. . A view around the verse At this particular time, after the people were divided into two groups on the Day of Resurrection, one group (for them is good and more) And a group (they will be gathered and stand without a word or asking for permission until God decides a matter among them) see every soul, not a soul is missed from this position. What it done earlier Previous work in Dar Al-Dunya They were returned to God, their true Master God is the Master, and there is no Master other than Him, and you, my brother, in which house do you live, in which country do you live, under the law of those under, my brother in humanity: God is the only true protector. If you grow up in an environment that worships other than God, you will be absolved now and not tomorrow of worshiping alleged gods that do not benefit or harm, and will have nothing tomorrow, tomorrow we will see it soon, even if your Islam is between you and God, do not take this lightly. Allah says " قل من يرزقكم من السماء والأرض أم من يملك السمع والأبصار ومن يخرج الحي من الميت ويخرج الميت من الحي ومن يدبر الأمر فسيقولون الله فقل أفلا تتقون " “Say: Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth, or He who has hearing and sight and Who brings the living out of the dead and brings out the dead from the living, And whoever manages the matter, they will say, “Allah,” so say, “Will you not pious. “Say, ‘Who provides for you from the heaven and the earth?’” by sending down sustenance from the sky, and bringing forth its types from the earth, and facilitating their causes therein? “Who possesses hearing and sight?” That is, who is the one who created them and is their owner, He singled them out for mention, as a way of alerting the virtuous to the virtuous, and to perfect their honor and benefit. “And who brings out the living from the dead” is like bringing out the types of trees and plants, from grains and stones, and bringing out the believer. “Will you not fear” God and devote worship to Him alone, without any partner, and renounce what you worship other than Him, of equals and idols? A view around the verse The sustenance is in the hands of God Almighty It is He who provides from the sky (a sustenance that you cannot expect) and sustenance from the earth (that you expect and hope for). He has hearing, sight, and hearts The windows for entering knowledge about God - the Almighty - in this house Who brings the living out of the dead and the dead out of the living? We have seen with certainty in incidents and events how this happens, Glory be to Him - And who is managing it? You strive and strive and strive, in order to get rid of your problem that has troubled you for years, and then the key to relief comes from the side that you have not thought about for a single day, With your planning and the management of your loved ones, just remember: God refuses to provide the believer’s provision except from where he does not expect it. They will say God Who's to say? Even the infidels, my brother, say that when the ordeal becomes severe for them. Allah says " فذلكم الله ربكم الحق فماذا بعد الحق إلا الضلال فأنى تصرفون " “So that is Allah, your Lord, the Truth, so what is after the truth except error, How can you turn away from worshiping Him. For He is the Almighty, the Almighty, the One who alone creates and manages all things. He is the One who has no blessing for His servants except from Him, and none brings good deeds except Him, and does not repel evil deeds except Him. He is the Possessor of the most beautiful names and great, perfect attributes, majesty and honor. How can you move away from the worship of such a description, to the worship of the One whose existence has nothing but nothingness, and who has no benefit or harm for himself, nor death, nor life, nor resurrection? Allah says " كذلك حقت كلمة ربك على الذين فسقوا أنهم لا يؤمنون " “Thus the word of your Lord has come true against those who are disobedient, that they will not believe.” “Thus is the word of your Lord true against those who have done wrong, that they will not believe.” After God showed them clear signs and luminous proofs, what is in it is an example for those of understanding, an admonition for the righteous, and a guidance for the worlds. A view around the verse What is immorality? It is breaking from obedience, and what is it in the origin of the language? We say that the rutabah: date, was separated from its peel, and there are fausiqa (the wife of the mountain mouse) called fausiqa, It has a specific job: it builds two burrows, one in a visible place and another in a hidden place. As for the burrow in the hidden place, it hides its children, as for what is apparent, you leave it to the enemies who try to achieve anything, but they will not achieve it because there is nothing in it, She is malicious and loves her own interests. She hunts prey and does what she does not want done to her children. Hypocrites - the malicious - the deceitful - those who disobey God (God has not made us among them) They will not reach faith, not because of injustice from God - glory be to Him - no, but because of their bad deeds. May God protect you and protect us.

  • Surah Yunus, page 211

    Allah says " وإذا أذقنا الناس رحمة من بعد ضراء مستهم إذا لهم مكر في آياتنا قل الله أسرع مكرا إن رسلنا يكتبون ما تمكرون " “And when We made people taste mercy after a hardship that befell them, then they have deception in Our signs, Say, “God is quicker to plot. Indeed, Our messengers write down what you plot.” God Almighty says: (And when We made the people taste mercy after adversity had afflicted them) such as health after sickness, wealth after poverty, and security after fear. They forgot the adversity that befell them, and did not thank God for prosperity and mercy. Rather, they continued in their transgression and deception, and the angels write down for them what they do. And God counts it, then rewards them with the greatest reward. A view around the verse If you notice that the Qur’an speaks to you about tangible things in order to bring the meaning closer to you, sometimes it talks to you about touch, and here it talks to you about taste, It is close to the human soul and he understands from it what he does not understand from the world of the unseen. God - the Almighty - says in this noble verse that man is from his nature He calls on someone higher than himself, and here is God Almighty - to remove harm from him if he befalls him, and we know that adversity: it is illness - or poverty, or distress, or hardship. All of these things have a taste that is not pleasant to the soul, for poverty is not eating what you desire, and the same is true of illness, do not crave food when you are in extreme distress, for prosperity has its mercies with which you crave all the desired things, after tasting the mercy of one of the mercies of God - the Almighty - in this world, People plot against whom? they plot against God Almighty - how about turning away from God’s method, and from the closeness they used to have to God Almighty - in times of distress? Say: God is quicker to deceive How does God plot what is far from Him after being near? The Almighty says in another verse in the Qur’an: “Perhaps your Lord will have mercy on you and if you return, We will return. And We have made Hell a barrier for the disbelievers (8)) That is, if you return to sin, we will return to the punishment directly... May God protect us from deception. Indeed, Our messengers record what you plot The angels do not change their condition or change, they are not afflicted with hardship, they do not stop obeying, and they do what they are commanded, therefore, it describes your situation with complete impartiality in terms of ease and hardship Allah says " هو الذي يسيركم في البر والبحر حتى إذا كنتم في الفلك وجرين بهم بريح طيبة وفرحوا بها جاءتها ريح عاصف وجاءهم الموج من كل مكان وظنوا أنهم أحيط بهم دعوا الله مخلصين له الدين لئن أنجيتنا من هذه لنكونن من الشاكرين " “He is the one who guides you on land and sea until you were in the ark and sailed by a pleasant wind and rejoiced in it, a strong wind came and waves came to them from everywhere, thinking that they were surrounded, they called on God, being sincere in religion, If You save us from this, we will be thankful.” When God Almighty mentioned the general rule regarding the conditions of people, when mercy befalls them after hardship, and ease after hardship, He mentioned a case that supports this, which is: their condition in the sea, when it is severe, and the fear of its consequences. With whatever reasons are made easy for you in it, And he guided you to it. A view around the verse Then God Almighty gives us a living example of life’s disturbing events of severity or poverty, such as walking on land or sea in particular and the raging waves on the ship in which you are riding, whether you are a climate migration, Arab forced migration, or even Western forced migration due to wars, seeking a livelihood, or something else, In all these cases, you hope to reach your new home, even if it is temporary, with a good and comfortable life, but as they say, the winds do not always bring what the ships desire, the wind is good and a beautiful breeze, and suddenly the wind turns into a storm, and waves come with it from everywhere, If it had come from one direction, you would have changed your sails and been saved, but it comes from everywhere - may God protect you and us - They thought they were surrounded In the noble hadith, suspicion is the most false of hadiths, and what this means is that suspicions are not successful most of the time, and when suspicion prevails over a person, you see him accusing those in front of him: disbelief him, making him a sinner, making him a criminal, and so on, When the natural state comes, far from bad suspicion, a person turns the person in front of him into a lover, whatever he may be. In this horrific situation, suspicion comes with the idea of annihilation of life, It is the most precious thing a person has, even if he says what he says. They called upon God, sincere in religion to Him. If You save us from this, we will certainly be among those who are thankful What is this call to devotion? It is a cry of pain, it is sincerity of feelings, it is true and smokeless trust, and why does a person not pray in a state of prosperity in this way? It is the truth of sadness, sometimes feelings of sadness and sadness do not come out of nowhere, but rather a force emerges from you like a genie rebelling against the bottle he is inside, It is a supplication that is answered immediately. They are completely surrounded by the wind. If the supplication had been postponed to them, they would all have died, but it seems that it was answered, If you want to pray a supplication that will not be answered, then you should pray for harm (with strength - see no one but God - good trust - not considering the consequences) You are in a state of turbulent waves - may God protect you - and you are not thinking about whether you will survive or not. You are praying and do not know the result. Allah says " فلما أنجاهم إذا هم يبغون في الأرض بغير الحق يا أيها الناس إنما بغيكم على أنفسكم متاع الحياة الدنيا ثم إلينا مرجعكم فننبئكم بما كنتم تعملون " “And when he delivered them, behold, they were transgressing in the land unjustly, O people, your transgression is against yourselves, enjoyment of the life of this world; then to Us is your return, and We will inform you of what you used to do.” That is, they forgot that hardship and that supplication, and what they had committed themselves to, so they associated with God those whom they acknowledged that He would not save them from adversity, nor protect them from hardships. But this transgression would come back to haunt them, “Then to Us is your return” on the Day of Resurrection, “and We will inform you of what you used to do.” This is the ultimate warning to them about continuing with their work. A view around the verse Didn't I tell you that praying hard will bring you closer to what is hoped for, but when it saves them from the terror of omens and the powerful waves - and it is just an example - then they transgress unjustly on earth, so what is transgression? It is transgression and injustice, so do not limit transgression to wronging yourself with sins, but rather expand the matter to oppressing people and violating their rights, for man is in his nature when he is prosperous He does not think about the consequences, he only thinks about himself, and he does not see anything other than his personal interests in the equation, even if they come at the expense of others. O people, your transgression is only against yourselves The supplication was for God, and the transgression was for people and perhaps for the soul, by committing excessive sins without repentance, so God - the Almighty - will correct your outlook on matters. Injustice is the first step towards eliminating you, Whether you wronged yourself by committing excessive sins without repenting and returning to God, or by wronging the people around you, the transgression will be returned to you. Enjoyments of the worldly life Scholars say that the word “enjoyment” does not appear in the Qur’an except in the case of a threat, and the common people say that if happiness is a moment, then contentment is a life, the pleasure is short-lived, and it threatens to leave you or you to leave it through death, separation, illness, etc. In all cases, it is one of the pleasures of the world, we have seen in the world of people that this house is only a house for tasting different dishes, as for permanent enjoyment that is not threatened by a disease that spoils the taste, or poverty, or otherwise, Not in this world... If the world lasted for its people, the Messenger of God would be alive and eternal, but it will end and its bliss will disappear, and transgressions and sins will remain as they are. Then to Us is your return, and We will inform you of what you did God - the Almighty - makes it clear to you, transgression has a consequence in this world, which is enjoyment for a while, then your life is cut short Returning is not to your home, not to your kingdom, not to your loved ones if they truly love you without any interests, Or those who applaud you until their interests end, but returning here to God - the Almighty - and there is not ordinary news but rather important news and notice that in the afterlife all that matters to you is only news of yourself. Allah says " إنما مثل الحياة الدنيا كماء أنزلناه من السماء فاختلط به نبات الأرض مما يأكل الناس والأنعام حتى إذا أخذت الأرض زخرفها وازينت وظن أهلها أنهم قادرون عليها أتاها أمرنا ليلا أو نهارا فجعلناها حصيدا كأن لم تغن بالأمس كذلك نفصل الآيات لقوم يتفكرون " “The example of the life of this world is only like water We sent down from the sky, and the plants of the earth mixed with it of what people and livestock eat, until when the earth takes on its adornment and is beautified, and its people think that they have power over it, Our command comes to it, day or night, So We made it a harvest as if it had not sung yesterday. Thus We make the signs clear for a people who reflect.” This proverb is one of the best examples, and it matches the state of the world. For its own sake, its desires, its prestige, and the like, it becomes honorable to its owner, even if it is present for a short time. Then, if it is completed, it disappears from its owner, or its owner disappears from him until when the earth takes on its adornment.” That is, it is adorned in its appearance, so it becomes a delight to the beholders, an amusement to the spectators, and a sign to the discerning, it  began to see a strange sight between green, yellow, white and other things. Our command came to her, day or night, and this proverb is “for a people who reflect,” meaning: they act with their thoughts in what benefits them. A view around the verse After this harsh journey with the strong waves of life, which may have passed you by - the important thing is not the example of the sea, but rather the troubles of life - the winds calm down and life returns to its normal course, And whoever plots and worships God with the right of whom he worships, then we return to God and He informs us of what we did on this journey, which was full of troubles, even if it came in a nice form, which is not possible at all... God alerts us to an example of one of the strangest worldly rulings that we have ever heard. The example of the life of this world is like water that We sent down from the sky, and the plants of the earth were mixed with it, which people and livestock eat This part of the proverb is endearing to the soul. When seeds are mixed with water and seeing the plant grow is one of the most joyful joys in life, even if you are not one of the farmers. People and livestock eat and rejoice in the provision of God Almighty. Even when the earth takes on its adornment and is beautified and its people think that they are capable of it We all agree that decorations only come at the last stage of building and construction. You do not decorate your house - your mosque - your school...etc. except after painting and other things, then you are with that money and your heart's desire in this building and you do not like to see it on the red bricks, so you decorate it in a way that pleases you, and in this case, after completing the decoration, you will be impressed with your work and return from time to time to see what you have done for yourself, even a woman who cooks beautiful food, let it be a decorated cake, takes a picture of it and marvels at her artistic ability to decorate... You are capable now. No one, no matter who, can destroy what your hands have presented, right? The truth is that God - the Almighty - came by the act of (suspicion) Specifically here because it is just a thought, a guess and not a fact, and look at yourself, if things become stable for you one day and everything is under control, look at the day immediately after that, did you wake up like yesterday? You are not sick, you are not tired, you are not in poverty or other problems in life, is your son as what you want, did you give birth, did you have any problems, did you not have any illness? You will not find anything except that your day is not the same as tomorrow for the sole reason that you are not capable of your worldly life. Our command came to it day or night, and We made it harvest The harvest is: the bottoms of the crops that the sickle cannot reach, so they remain, which suggests that all the decorations that were the last moment in construction are the beginning of a new stage that you may or may not be in. As if you didn't sing yesterday Al-Ghain ( taghn: sung): It is the dense, coiled tree. The dense, coiled tree has become less than the grass... This is life. Thus We detail the verses for a people who reflect Thought is not limited to anyone. Rather, there are those who want to empty their brains of thought about the consequences of their actions, and among them are those who think about the consequences of their actions, and thought is honorable among philosophers and among writers, There is a great thing among people if you are a great thinker, and God Almighty wants you to be one of the thinkers, and great thinkers always and forever look at the consequences and the significance of things and do not think superficially like the common people. A final word on the noble verse Look at the villages and cities that were removed from the face of the earth by war or because of climate injustice, earthquakes or devastating floods, and return your sight to the noble verse and you will understand that God - the Almighty - warned us against it that it maybe happened. Allah says " والله يدعو إلى دار السلام ويهدي من يشاء إلى صراط مستقيم " “And God calls to the abode of peace and guides whomsoever He wills to a straight path.” God Almighty generalized His servants with invitations to the abode of peace, urging them to do so, and enticing them. He singled out guidance for whomever He wished to draw and select. This is His grace and benevolence, and God singles out for His mercy whomever He wills. This is His justice and wisdom, and no one has an argument against it, after the clarification and the messengers. God called Paradise “the abode of peace” for its safety from all afflictions and shortcomings. This is for the perfection of its bliss, its completeness, its permanence, and its goodness in every respect. A view around the verse In this verse, it is as if God Almighty is saying to you: He is calling you from the abode of war in which you are to the abode of peace with Him, Glory be to Him. After the previous verse, God Almighty did not choose Paradise, for example, To tell you to live there or that God Almighty is calling you to it, but He preferred Dar es Salaam to be a refuge for everyone who suffered from such things (genocidal wars - climate injustice - or floods due to the collapse of dams or due to climate change). He guides whomever He wills to a straight path What is the relationship after all these horrific scenes? That God guides whomever He wills to a straight path. God knows what He wants from His servants, but perhaps the thinkers who think about the conditions of the people around them are Fine, and may God Almighty grant them guidance to His straight path, for no other reason than for them to think about the consequences. of course, God is Most High and knows best what He wants from His servants.

  • Surah Yunus, page 210

    Allah says " وإذا تتلى عليهم آياتنا بينات قال الذين لا يرجون لقاءنا ائت بقرآن غير هذا أو بدله قل ما يكون لي أن أبدله من تلقاء نفسي إن أتبع إلا ما يوحى إلي إني أخاف إن عصيت ربي عذاب يوم عظيم " “And when Our clear verses are recited to them, those who do not hope to meet Us say, ‘Bring a Qur’an other than this, or change it, say what I have to change on my own, I follow only what is revealed to me. Indeed, if I disobey my Lord, I fear the torment of a great day.” God Almighty mentions the stubbornness of those who deny His Messenger Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and that when the verses of God from the Qur’an that clarify the truth are recited to them, they turn away from them, and seek ways to be stubborn, and they say, out of boldness and injustice on their part: “Bring a Qur’an other than this, or change it.” So God made them disgraceful. How bold they are against God, and most unjust in rejecting His verses. So how can these misguided fools, who combined ignorance and misguidance, injustice and stubbornness, not fear the Great Day? A view around the verse 1 - Perspectives and opinions about things, people, and even places change according to the interest and what it revolves around, and this applies to most people only a few, even less than a few. As it is said: If we speak, we are all people with principles, and if we act, then we are all people with interests. 2 - If the verse comes with clear evidence, it will silence tongues and bridle the argument. Therefore, one cannot defend an interest in front of the verses, because this will appear clearly, and they do not want their deception to be revealed, so the only solution is, give us a Qur’an other than this. What if its a miraculous speech? Doesn't it contain clear verses? What is the detail of some of the details of your life and the lives of those before you? Why...this is the argument of the stupid, as it is said: ((Discussion can only affect great minds)) What means is that they do not want to discuss the miraculous verses of the Qur’an and want to change or replace it. This is simply the nonsense of the argument they hold and the ability to debate seriously. 3 - Take it as a rule in life. Whoever is inundated with strong arguments and does not want to discuss them, know that there is some deception in his heart. 4 - The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - responded: He is free from deception and deception person can't deceit Him, but rather carries good and sincere intentions without deceit. 5 - He concluded the verse: It suggests that the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - tried to change their minds from worldly interests to hereafter interests, but it was of no use. Allah says " قل لو شاء الله ما تلوته عليكم ولا أدراكم به فقد لبثت فيكم عمرا من قبله أفلا تعقلون " “Say, ‘If God had willed, I would not have recited it to you nor would he have informed you of it,   I lived among you for a lifetime before that. Do you not understand. “Do you not understand” that, since I have not recited it in my entire life, and nothing has come from me that indicates that. How can I say it after that, when I have been with you for a long time, and you know the truth about my situation, that I am illiterate, I do not read, I do not write, I do not study, and I do not learn from anyone?!! So I brought you a great book, the most incapable of eloquent people, and the most exhausting of the scholars. A vies around the verse 1 - Return matters to the will of God - glory be to Him - first. If the divine will required that the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - not recite it to the polytheists, This would have happened, but it was not the will of God - glory be to Him - but rather His will for the polytheists to be read and recited to them for great wisdom. 2 - Then he reminds them of what they know well (I lived among you “forty years”) and this is not an easy life, for it is a fairly long life, and it is the age of prophecy, the age of wisdom, and the age of psychological maturity. The West calls it “the foot of a mountain.” When a person reaches forty, he His age like someone standing on the side of a mountain with a distance behind him that has become history and he cannot falsify or change anything about it, and in front of him is a new age that he does not know what he will do with it, and the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - reminding them that he spent a long stay, 40 years among them, and it was not just a stay among them, but rather a stay that was loved by everyone. He - the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was loved by everyone and was titled with the highest titles (the truthful - the trustworthy) this is something that only a few human beings can bear. Look at yourself: Depending on your age, do the people around you call you an unfailing title and an honorable title? It is honorable and because the history of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - before the mission is an honorable history, as the Messenger of God never put him on the dialogue table. Therefore, he concluded his saying - may God bless him and grant him peace, with (Do you not understand?) Allah says " فمن أظلم ممن افترى على الله كذبا أو كذب بآياته إنه لا يفلح المجرمون " “Who is more unjust than he who invents a lie against God or denies His signs? Indeed, criminals will not succeed.” His saying, “Those who do not hope to meet Us said,” the verse, indicates that what led them to this intransigence, which came from them, is their lack of belief in meeting God, and their lack of hope, and that whoever believes in meeting God must submit to this book and believe in it, because it has good intentions. . A view around the verse There are unjust people in this life, who oppress people, take away their rights, deny their rights by negating or diminishing them, accuse them of something they do not have, kill them unjustly, or take their money, And wars and famines and things before which a person does not stand except astonished. However, God - the Almighty - says that there are oppressors and more unjust than the unjust (who is more unjust) He who wonders: It is God - the Almighty Himself - He says - Glory be to Him: He is not more unjust than a human being who invents a lie against God, It is a kind of hidden vindication of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace. It came after the Messenger’s dialogue with the polytheists, as if God Almighty wanted to say to the polytheists: Believe in my Messenger. The verses were sent down separated according to events, so the verses were affecting the minds in a way other than that. We take it with her. The criminals didn't succeed God Almighty has declared that the one who denies the clear verses in the Qur’an, whether historical, scientific, or other verses, or the verses that came in the horizons, is a criminal, And you are aware that according to the law, the criminal: whoever commits a felony deserves legal punishment. Here, whoever denies the verses of God - the Almighty - is a criminal, but he deserves divine punishment - may God protect us - by His grace and not by His justice. Allah says " ويعبدون من دون الله ما لا يضرهم ولا ينفعهم ويقولون هؤلاء شفعاؤنا عند الله قل أتنبئون الله بما لا يعلم في السماوات ولا في الأرض سبحانه وتعالى عما يشركون " “And they worship besides God that which neither harms them nor benefits them, and They say: those are our intercessors with God, Say, “Do you inform God of what He does not know in the heavens or on the earth? Glory be to Him and Most High above what they associate with Him.” That is, their deities do not have an atom's weight of benefit for them, and you do not pay anything for them. “And they say” words devoid of proof: that is, they worship them, to bring them closer to God, and to intercede for them with Him. This is a statement on their own initiative, and a statement that they invented. A view around the verse Perhaps you stopped once while reading this verse and wondered: Who are they and what do they worship? In principle, everything that is less than God but God - the Almighty - proves that some people worship those who are less deserving of worship than God, And they are not satisfied with just worship, but they say, “They are our intercessors with God.” The verse was completed as it came, and it was a sarcastic question from God Almighty. Glory be to God for the polytheism of the polytheists, not God made us among them. You are aware that some people in some continents, such as Asia, tend to associate others with God by worshiping idols, and to this day, several gods, some of them women, and they have small idols that they carry to their homes, and a continent like the continent of Europe: they tend to worship scientific gods, and to worship some famous people, such as a famous football player in the not-so-distant time, and they build a synagogue for him in the West and have his worshipers, As for the continent of Africa, there is nothing wrong with performing acts of worship that make your head sweat, And the witness: Say, do you prophesy to God - Glory be to Him - what He does not know in the heavens and the earth, or do these things that you worship benefit or harm? Glory be to God - Most High - above what they say. Allah says " وما كان الناس إلا أمة واحدة فاختلفوا ولولا كلمة سبقت من ربك لقضي بينهم فيما فيه يختلفون " “People were only one community, but they differed, and had it not been for a word that had preceded from your Lord, it would have been decided between them regarding what they differed about.” So God sent the messengers, bringing good tidings and warnings, and sent down with them the Book, to judge between the people regarding what they differed about. “And had it not been for a word that had preceded from your Lord, “giving respite to the sinners, and not hastening upon them for their sins,” it would have been decreed among them, “that We would save the believers and destroy the disbelievers.” The truthful from the liar. A view around the verse When God created Adam and Eve, it is said that Adam had the first heavenly religion for humanity, and it is said that Noah - peace be upon them - means the one who initiated monotheism on earth, However, all people were united in monotheism and singling out God in worship, so no heavenly religion came except through monotheism, and the disagreement among scholars is a mercy for the nation, As for people’s differences with each other, it generates injustice, hatred, and distance, and it is part of the wisdom of God Almighty to make us different. You have a different fingerprint from others, not only in the fingers of the hand, but in the ear, the eye, and even the internal organs such as the liver, spleen, and others, It is as if it has a programmed copy for you alone, and no one can ever encode it except God - the Almighty - and you are aware that if two people are in a place and a portion of time passes, there is a reason for disagreement, and the wisdom of God - the Almighty - decreed disagreement, and if He had wished, everyone would have agreed, but it would have been a world with no taste. There is no meaning, It has become a paradise, and we no longer seek paradise. What makes you get up from sleep and search for your livelihood on this new day are nothing but worries, problems, competition, and other meanings that never appear in an environment of agreement. Allah says " ويقولون لولا أنزل عليه آية من ربه فقل إنما الغيب لله فانتظروا إني معكم من المنتظرين " And they say, “If only a sign had been sent down to him from his Lord.” So say, “Indeed, the unseen belongs to God, so wait. Indeed, I am with you among those who wait.” So say to them if they ask you for a verse: “Indeed, the unseen belongs to Allah,” meaning: He is aware of the conditions of His servants, so He manages them according to what His knowledge of them and His wonderful wisdom require, and no one has any control over a ruling, nor evidence, nor purpose, nor reasoning. “So wait, for I am with you among those who wait. That is: Everyone expects from his friend what he deserves, so look for whom the outcome will be. A view around the verse Those who argue have thousands of people who are keen on arguments. What is important is that they be victorious in their claims, and the Imam of the Imams, our master Imam Al-Shafi’i, was: When someone debates, he says about himself (By God, I have never debated with anyone while I want to be victorious over him). This is the morals of great scholars, those who do not care that the truth comes to him or to you despite your low status before the learned Imam, here they say: Had not a sign been sent down to him from his Lord (And what is the matter with the Qur’an that is before your hands, which is full of lessons, sermons, and verses?) So say to them, O Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace -: Say, “The unseen is for God. I do not know whether a sign will descend from heaven or not, so wait, and I am with you among those waiting.”

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